What happens when 2 Palestinians carry out a horrible attack on a - TopicsExpress


What happens when 2 Palestinians carry out a horrible attack on a synagogue and kill 4 people? • They are shot and killed on site by the IDF (better suited as IOF Israeli Occupational Forces) • Their family homes are DEMOLISHED with all contents inside leaving their entire family homeless • Their families and mourners who now live in tents are sprayed with teargas • Their BODIES are DENIED to the families, therefore they are denied any proper burial in accordance with their own customs. • Western media jumps on the story and reports it as a terror attack What happens when Israeli settlers kidnap, strangle, and hang and palestinian bus driver from inside his own bus? • No arrests are made • No enquiry • Even though a Palestinian doctor who was able to examine the body testifies that there are signs of strangulation and other signs of struggle on the body Israeli official reports claim this is a suicide • Western media does not report it, just as it did not support the 4 year old girl run over by settlers, or the 15 year old boy shot dead point blank by IOF, 16 year old Palestinian burnt alive etc etc Welcome to Israel, the only democracy in the Middle East
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 08:27:17 +0000

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