What happens when a righteous man falls into the hands of his - TopicsExpress


What happens when a righteous man falls into the hands of his enemies? In the case of Jesus, every word of hope, encouragement, of healing, of deliverance, of life, will suddenly take on the specter of suspicion with suspicious motives being ascribed to Him. What is actually happening is that all of those bringing accusations against Jesus, a righteous man, is casting their own guilt upon Him! Yes, this is the nature of our fallen state. We never look honestly at our own guilt but wish to pass on to another our guilt. We have only to look at the beginning, in the garden of Eden. When confronted by God, Adam pointed to Eve and to God as being at fault for his own rebellion and disobedience. The woman blamed the serpent and the final blame was laid upon the serpent by God Himself. I have been in that position where the specter of suspicion and suspicious motives was generated against me without so much a word coming from my own lips. Others brought accusations against me and surmised a multitude of motives to actions I never committed but was expected to commit. All of these were from leaders in the church of whom knew little or nothing of me. It was during this round of accusations that Holy Spirit told me to keep silent and not answer them. At that point, this group of leaders had become ravenous wolves and there was nothing I could have said in my own defense as anything I said would have appeared to them to justify their attacks. What can you do when you find yourself in a situation like this? Do nothing just as Jesus demonstrated when He was falsely accused by the religious leaders of His day. He was a lamb, silent before the shearers. God is our defense and no matter what man may do, understand that none of this is actually personal. You are Gods representative on planet Earth and it is He that the god of this world is at war with. Remember, the body is simply a shell in which you are living out your life here but is not you. You are a spirit and whatever they do with your body cannot destroy your spirit unless you take offense. We are called to love our enemies and Holy Spirit was sent as our comforter who will give us His strength at times like this. Do not fear him who seeks to destroy the body but fear Him who can destroy both body and soul in the fires of hell. Hold fast to God through Holy Spirit, during your time of persecution and as promised in the book of Revelations, your time of relief is coming and with it, a crown of life that cannot be taken away.
Posted on: Sun, 19 Jan 2014 14:47:28 +0000

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