What has Ambani done to common man in India? 1) From being a - TopicsExpress


What has Ambani done to common man in India? 1) From being a petrol pump attendant during his childhood, he went on to create one of the biggest business houses in India. It is a matter of pride for us because it not only shows India on the Global business map but also adds to the Indian economy which in turn benefits the common man. 2) Made polyester affordable for the masses. (looks trivial now because we have taken it for granted but was a really big deal back then). 3) Introduced shares as a means of long term investment for the common man. His annual shareholder meeting used to be scheduled in cricket stadium with lakhs of stakeholders including farmers as well who had invested in his shares. 4) Even today, thousands of old widows live on pension which is in the form of dividends of Reliance shares. (Reliance has always been one of the top Blue chip companies in stock market) 5) Introduced affordable cell phones with ground breaking tariff plans to the masses. (Ambanis vision of making a phone call cheaper than post-card.) 6) Millions of Indians earn their livelihood due to Ambanis factories & companies (employment). and hundreds of more points. (All the points mentioned above are facts and not opinions) Every business house will have some controversies. Apple is criticized for not being a philanthropist and for bringing technology industry to a halt by suing competitors over trivial patents like slide to unlock. Google is criticized for invading into peoples privacy. LG is criticized for using child labor in Chinese factories. Similarly even Indian companies like Reliance will also have some controversies. But that should not become a deterrent from appreciating the success of these companies. We should stay away from communist propaganda which undermines potential Indian companies. The communists & NGOs, inspite of being in India, seem to have their allegiance towards some foreign nations and will go to any extent to demonize Indian companies. Just a quick glance into real news will show you that all these foreign funded NGOs & mainstream media (which is run by communists these days) turn a blind eye towards huge irregularities of foreign companies in India, but they will implant imaginary stories and run such propaganda against Indian companies for months. Main stream media is Indias biggest problem after terrorism because while terrorism brainwashes gullible masses and kills lives, MSM propaganda brainwashes gullible intellectuals and kills logical thinking. It is high time we introspect & start being proud of our Indian companies which are now taking the world by storm. If South Korea is proud of Samsung, why cant Indians be proud of Reliance?
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 17:07:02 +0000

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