What has happened to humanity When reading about some ancient - TopicsExpress


What has happened to humanity When reading about some ancient pagan religion we can hear about human sacrifices being practiced and we get upset when thinking of such things. How can people sacrifice others in the name if religion? All have we at one time or another heard rumors about human sacrifices offered in satanism and demon worship. We call it atrocious and are disgusted by it when hearing about such things or seeing images of death. Our trained western humanistic rationalistic minds have a hard time to grasp such things even could exist. Thanks to the fantasy world of movies we have grown familiar with both the world of horror and of war. But what if this stuff all of a sudden is brought to your doorstep. These last weeks my Facebook time line was flooded by rivers of images and reports of evil deeds, murder and war from Iraq, Syria and the Gaza Strip forcing me to undergo a reality check. What the heck is going on? What has happened to humanity? My Christian values speak to me about the sanctity of life and justice of a righteous God who would forbid any such cruel and evil acts. Bloodthirsty murderers are what they call themselves executing self inflicted judgment on infidels in the name of their god - evil is judging good! We call things like murder, rape, religious beheadings etc. satanic, evil, yes even born in hell. We all know where its from. We dont think humans belong on sacrificial alters or are to be used as sacrificial means for reaching political religious goals. Self defense on the other hand is a word we are familiar with. We dont like it either. But in case of war or attack we regard it as a necessary evil, really nothing we seek to engage in, to protect helpless civilian lives because we know the act of saving lives comes with the cost of loosing and taking lives. This is nothing that fits into our western humanistic thinking. When looking to the Old Testament - the Jewish bible which we share with our Jewish brothers we can see the same self defense pattern even with God. When man destroyed his relationship with the living God by committing sin, God himself acted in defense of man by instituting animal sacrifices. Blood of innocent animals had to pay for covering up what man had broken. It was a necessary act of giving life to protect life. This shows us the nature of God and his protecting love towards his creation. Not only did he give us the law, for us to know how to walk the way of life and love, to discern between right and wrong, but he also provided the necessary sacrificial love, a way of escape and cover up for our stupid acts and sins. Thus expressing his eternal wish for fellowship with man. Everybody knows that those animal sacrifices didnt change the sinful nature of man nor did satisfy Gods eternal quest for justice. How could it? The wages of our sin is death and that means eternal separation from a loving God. What we can see with the birth of Yeshua /Jesus / Isa would change the course in history and reveal the true self sacrificial nature of God. In order to bring salvation to our eternal souls, God himself took on human nature, was born by a virgin, sinless, both human and God, to share our human condition and to reveal the true nature and love of God. He offered himself as the sacrifice to pay for and deliver humanity from their sins, giving every man, woman and child who would receive him and repent from their sins the right for forgiveness, a right standing with him and the new birth in their spirit towards the living God. Gods will is and has ever been the wellbeing and salvation of mankind. The only sacrifice where a human is involved according divine revelation is and was his own death in the stead of yours and mine on that cross in Jerusalem. The good thing about this sacrifice, as cruel as it was, is that death could not hold the Son of God whom The father raised back to life on the third day to be King and reign in life forever. The nature of God is the one of a life giver and life keeper not one of a life taker; even when executing his plan of salvation for mankind. As death and misery are real in the Middle East and maybe even in your personal life, then the good news is that the life, the love, the hope and and the power in the risen Jesus are so much more real and available today for you and all the people of the Middle East. In him there is peace, all the live, the love and all the forgiveness the world ever will need. If you are a follower of Mohammed then I would ask you to consider this prayerfully and ask the CREATOR for revelation. Can this really be of God? What we can see in the Middle East right now, expressed by the followers of Islam (house of peace?) against non muslims (the house of war) seems to express not the nature of love, self sacrifice and justice but the nature of hatred, death and destruction. No one loving would do such deeds in the name of a god nor in the name of liberty. Hatred is the expression of evil and death. The concept of humans being slaughtered on the altars of hate and religion are not divine, they are evil. All we can find is the absence of sacredness of life. Those forces revealed are destructive to human nature both for the transgressors and their victims. Trauma and death is their only remaining fruit in people and countries. God is the life giver. Satan is the destroyer. What we see are dividing powers, dividing our world, our nations, our families yes even bringing division to the minds of those who are hosting those ideas and forcers. The cradle of creation is being torn into pieces as we speak. What does it say about a god or spirit if only brute force can bring about the so called will and surrender to which no humanity would or want to surrender by free will. What does the absence of love, truth, honesty, good behavior and generosity say about the religion one professes and follows? How can this wheel of hatred be broken? By even more revenge and hatred? No! The only way as history teaches us is through forgiveness and reconciliation! Only when we see the true nature and love of God towards us we can be free! Real peace in the world and foremost in the Middle East will only come when its residents or who ever it is will acknowledge their destructive way, see the lack of love in their actions and repent from their evil ways and thoughts and turn to the prince of peace, the God of heaven for forgiveness. Who is he? The followers of Mohammed call him prophet, we call him Messiah - the Son of God, divine savior of the world and the lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. He has brought the concept of forgiveness, justice,peace and prosperity to our part of the world. What has Mohammed brought to your part of the world? Do you like the fruit of your religion - if not then change it. Jesus the one Mohammedans call prophet gave us a new nature, taught us to love as God loves us, deny ourselves, carry one anothers burden and forgive others as our father who is in heaven forgives our sins. What does your father teach you? If the religion to which I and you belong to, are born into or are grown up with brings forth bad fruit such as murder in the name of a god, hatred, selfish acts and cruelty then we should have the self distance, sound judgment and run from it and expose its true origin and nature. God will never judge you for your cultural background, upbringing, ethnic belonging - we are all equal unto and before our God. But he will judge you for not acting on what common judgment of justice and well doing requires of humanity. He will judge you for not asking who are you lord and what do you want me to do. Real godly religion always brings forth the fruit of live, joy and righteousness. As to your encouragement I proclaim and believe that in Jesus there is both salvation and eternal life. As the bible quotes: there is no other name given under heaven through which man must be saved than the name of Jesus ! And all who call on the name of Jesus will be saved!
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 14:26:27 +0000

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