What has our world become? We care more about protecting atheists, - TopicsExpress


What has our world become? We care more about protecting atheists, gays, and freedom of speech that includes burning the American flag and hate speech towards America than values that founded this country. Weve taken the pledge of allegiance out of schools. We have told students and teachers to not talk about God in schools or in graduation speeches. You are allowed to burn the American flag in public but not allowed to have an American flag waiving outside your home? Tim Tebow is not allowed to talk about God or get down on a knee thanking him after a TD but we encourage Michael Sam to be accepted on a football team, mainly because he is gay which has NOTHING to do with FOOTBALL. Westborro is allowed to protest at fallen soldiers funerals and hide behind freedom of speech but if you praise God in public you can be subject to disturbing the peace? These values are NOT what our founding fathers intended our country to grow and become. We have a president that cares more about playing golf than sending in special forces and seals to wipe out ISIS. He takes 2 weeks to give a plan about eliminating ISIS only to say he doesnt have a plan. Yet, it takes him less than 24 hours to talk about Ray Rice? We as a country are doomed if we do not make changes in quick manner. I fought for my country in war NOT to see it go down in flames. I love this country and I will go back to war to see the United States prevail. Share this if you feel the same. I love this nation...one nation, under GOD with liberty and justice for ALL damnit! This September 11th I remember why I love being an American, I hope you do too!
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 19:29:22 +0000

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