What has this country become? In addition to all the other - TopicsExpress


What has this country become? In addition to all the other scandals and Mafia style hooligans perpetuated by this President, now we learn that he was involved with the organizing of rallies and the firing of a police chief in an issue that should have been handled by the state in which the crime occurred. This man apparently has no honor or respect for his office *********************** Liberty News has learned that the questionable activities of the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) “peacekeeping” troops related to the Trayvon Martin case were dispatched to Sanford, Florida, within 48 hours of President Obama’s “Trayvon’s my son” speech. This raises some further questions about the Obama Administration’s involvement in events following Trayvon Martin’s death including the protests and riots. Upon examination of records released by the DOJ related to a Freedom Of Information inquiry by Judicial Watch, the first documented time that the DOJ’s Community Relations Service activities in Florida occurs on March 25, 2012. The expense reports indicate that the CRS officials spent $674.14 and then an additional $1,142.84 to work marches, demonstrations and rallies. This activity came within 48 hours of Obama’s major public commentary where Obama personalized the incident by saying, “If I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon.” Upon examining the public records of White House visitors, Eric Holder, US Attorney General, had spent March 13-14, 2012 at the White House in the private residency of President Barack Obama–raising even more questions. In a nutshell. On March 13-14, 2012, US General Attorney Eric Holder spends an entire day with President Obama at the White House. The following week, on March 23, 2012 President Obama gives his “Trayvon’s my son speech.” Two days later, March 25, the DOJ dispatches troops to lead protests and riots against George Zimmerman in Sanford, Fla. In addition, Sanford Police Chief was fired when he refused to arrest George Zimmerman without probable cause. Upon examination, it is learned that the DOJ played a part in removing the Police Chief. Finally, the mystery still remains why the original prosecutor was removed from the case. This raises yet another puzzling observation. Events involving Trayvon Martin case and the DOJ did not originate as a political case. This incident, which has become one of the most significant political events and a rallying cry for the African-American community occurred during an election year–a time when Pres. Obama’s reelection campaign was facing many challenges. Given the potential political ramifications of the DOJ’s involvement and the possible connection to the White House, the burden of proof falls solely on the president and Attorney General.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Jul 2013 23:05:06 +0000

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