What have we come to as a Society and a Nation, when we attack or - TopicsExpress


What have we come to as a Society and a Nation, when we attack or ridicule individuals who strive to do good for others? How is it as a Nation, we’ve allowed such behavior to become the social norm? When did we turn into AmeriCANTS versus AmeriCANS? When hard work and determination turned into free hand outs and complaining about not having enough without lifting a finger for it? How have we allowed our Political Officials to destroy the very 1% of the population that defend our Country, our way of life, our National Interests aboard, and who are the true Ambassadors of this Nation. Think about this: John McCain has passed legislation to raise the cost of Tri-Care, our Military’s’ Healthcare Program, by 6% per year, each year, while decreasing Military pay raises to 1% each year, allowing more Military Families to live below the poverty line. This policy was in turn was approved by the President. Yet, Rhinos like this are still in Office; furthermore, John McCain was absent for 11 of the last 14 votes that would have positively impacted our Military and of the last 3 measures he was there for, he voted against the measures (Even Harry Reid ridiculed him for calling himself a supporter of Veteran Rights). Furthermore, how far have we fallen as a Veteran Community, when we tell a struggling foundation like, The Teufelshunde Project, that Veterans should, “suck it up” or that Veterans should, “cry them a river!” Yet, 22 Veterans are committing suicide daily due to complications and inadequate treatment with PTSD and TBI. And we as a Nation hold some social responsibility for these issues, regardless of whether or not they are happening in our back yard (figure of speech). When are going to quit talking and start doing? I remember a Nation that was proud of our service and those who made a choice to serve. We as a Nation came together through adversity to truly reach for the stars and built monuments that honored and touched Veterans. We created Social Programs that truly benefited Social Issues, rather than complicate them or create a Welfare State in which the rest of the World sees us as. We had “States Men” not career Politicians. We cared about our neighbors, we did not shackle them with inadequate laws that kept them from being responsible parents. We uplifted our educational system not destroyed it with regulations that require that students prepare for test versus learn. We faced obstacles and adversity with steadfast determination and National resilience. Take this example of resilience, Einstein faced tremendous obstacles and adversity in order to prove his Theory of Relativity but if it wasn’t for his steadfast determination we wouldn’t have a greater understanding of our vast universe. But, think about it, when did we go from honoring some of our greatest minds and began worshiping our Paris Hiltons’? We promoted Foundations that identified issues, problems, and struggles, not attempted to destroy them because the failures of the norm are good enough. I don’t understand how we’ve fallen so far that we allow Governmental Organizations that clearly fail of our Veterans and Service Members, to continue to operate without any recourse or reprisal. I am the Founder of The Teufelshunde Project and I am a proud Combat Veteran, and I stand firm in supporting my Brothers and Sisters in Arms, and honoring the national values that so many other used to, and we will succeed where others continue to fail because the luxury of money allows them too. Please support The Teufelshunde Project. Visit and Share facebook/TheTeufelshundeProject
Posted on: Tue, 03 Sep 2013 01:17:05 +0000

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