What if ALL the NFL games we have watched had been pre-decided? - TopicsExpress


What if ALL the NFL games we have watched had been pre-decided? What would you do if you come to find out that it was all a hoax to get into our pocket books and establish dollars for themselves (the Elite)? To sustain their load, to gain more wealth for them while putting the less fortunate in a compromised position (at great risk).. WHAT would you do, if you found that to be true today? All that money weve spent for tickets, parking lot fees, drinks and hot dogs etc. was not what we thought it was for, but the games had already been pre=determined the winner already decided based on origin or ethnic or foreign policies and/or to establish infrastructures in itself. How Mad would you be? How would you express you righteous indignation? Riots? (God forbid that would have to happen) Phone calls? Emails? Or would you just show up at a public event you knew they where going to be present at and expose the truth to everyone? I know this is not something the NFL is doing, it is however what our Government has been doing for some time now. That has not always been the case, but as the world is pressing on to the time of the return of our Lord Jesus, Satan is using EVERY tactic to seek our Demise.. So What are we going to do as a people? We The People need a game plan. We need to speak out, weather on Facebook or what other venue we have access to. I know that going to every event is not something that we could all do.. I am in very poor health, and this is why youll see all my political post and what some would call religious post. (its nothing to do with religion, but all account of our actual history and our right-ness not righteousness, but right-ness) and our futures. Just some food for thought. Please pray for our country, and the leaders put here around the world by God to be our voices! Thank you for taking the time to read this. God Bless all of his people whose names are written in the Lambs book of Life.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 20:14:11 +0000

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