What if God did create it all in a week? What if it only took 5 - TopicsExpress


What if God did create it all in a week? What if it only took 5 Days of Creation to get to Mortality? DAY 1 Ok, SO God created the Heavens and the Earth in a week. Let’s just agree that this is fact for the moment. Bear with me. This is gonna get good. So yeah, 7 Days is how long it took for that first Big Bang, when God said, “LET THERE BE LIGHT!” to get sorted out, switched around and properly put into cosmic place. And there was Light; Very pretty and so full of color and vitality. But it was bright. Way too bright. So God reached into her pocket and scattered black holes across the void of space to collect all the glittering goodness into manageable pools of rainbow shininess. “God, I’m good!” God’s thinking right about then. But it was still too bright, all those trillions of pools of light strewn throughout the cosmos. And so much of it! God was going to need some help organizing all of that light so he scratched her cheek and squinted his eye and thought about it a second. “I need assistants!” God decided, so she skimmed off a third of the excess light of the universe and from it he fashioned a host of Angels. Awesomeness! Now that God had some 13 bazillion shining servants to command (who can possibly know the exact number so I just made some stuff up) she sat them all down and said, “OK, we got all this light but it’s burning my face off!” God’s face sizzled and boiled in the ubiquitous display of harsh phosphorescence. The Angels sat, rapt. “So, we need to gather the light into tiny, compact balls and spread them out evenly. Well? Chop chop! Let’s see some organization here people! Dazzle me!” And the Angels leapt into action, forming Choirs and Legions, Songs and Hosts; singing the light into stars and spinning star systems into galaxies while God wanders leisurely through observing his work as she created it. “That one’s just a wee bit crooked, Gabe…” God mentioned to one of the supervisors in passing. A particularly vibrant display catches his eye and God comments, “Well now! Is that a quintuple star system there, Michel? It’s very nicely balanced but, should they all be green like that?” And God was pleased with all that he saw, the distribution of light across the darkness of space wasn’t burning her face off any more and now he could actually see what she was looking at. “Excellent!” Thought God and the Angels sang “Excellent!” and glory flashed across the universe. Whoa! Cool, thought God and the Angels sang “Whoa! Cool!” and rainbows dazzled the spaces between galaxies, nebulas scintillated in silent storms of splendor and the cosmos rippled with raucous rejoicing. OK, Enough of that. So now there was light; lots and lots of light. Very pretty and meticulously organized but it sort of just sat there. Not much going on, just a bunch of shiny stuff burning up in neatly fashioned packages all over the place. And these Angels, beautiful as they were, they were all far too busy keeping everything ordered to do much else. Though the perfect servants, her Angels were already task specific; keeping the light from the darkness was the focus of their perfection. So, God thought about it some more, considering the lightning that skittered and flashed behind the scenes and across the dark expanses like smokeless fire dancing in the background. That’s what this place needs, God thought! Motion! So, God gathered together a third of the lightning from all the storms in the universe and, from this, he fashioned a horde of Djinni’s. Stupendous! The Djinni’s thought so too and agreed in thunderous applause that shook the whole of the sky of space with their reporting. “Hey! Hey! Hey! Settle down, fer God’s sake!” God said and the Djinni’s shut up, anxious for something to do. “Look, we got all this Light and it’s sitting pretty, organized, looks awesome but it’s just sitting there. I need you guys to get in there and make it move.” The Djinni’s kinda blinked, still a bit frazzled after having been shocked into existence. “So? What are you waiting for? Move it! Amaze me!” And the Djinni’s sprang into motion, setting galaxies spinning, systems turning and worlds whirling throughout space and time within the ordered tapestry of angelic controlled light. Countless constellations formed across innumerable skies and the shape of the universe began to flow into the ceaseless swell of ordered creation advancing. “Good again!” Said God and with everything in motion it was good. Everything was in its proper place and all was in an according path with everything else. Then God sneezed. Several galactic constructs were blown out of true and Angels and Djinni’s alike were sent tumbling headlong across the abysses. Oops! It sure was dusty in here all of a sudden. God considered this at the same time, realizing that the Djinni’s were going to be just as preoccupied with keeping everything moving as the Angels were at keeping it all in place. There was a lot of dirt coming off the meticulous organization of light and darkness. God sneezed again and shattered a particularly beautiful string of pearl nebula he’d been planning on studying later. She knew he’d have to do something with all this dirt, sooner rather than later. Too much sneezing would be disastrous in the long term so God started fashioning worlds of a third of all the star dust billowing across the cosmos; He placed them in orbits about suitable stars and saw them bloom with portentous potential. Like sea monkeys in space, planets immediately begin to gestate into a vast variety of terrestrial transmutations. Some were bulbous, gassy giants while others were tiny, arid pebbles flinging themselves with maniacal magnetism about their stars like tilt-a-whirls gone mad. God watched closely as the star dust settled into the bodies of countless worlds, lowering the ambient dust in the area by a third. There. Much better, thought God. She could see the universe He had spawned much clearer now. Perfect distribution, stringently stabilized by the Songs of Angels and set into perpetual motion by the synchronous shenanigans of Hordes of Djinnis; and presently, some worlds showed signs of life within their biospheres. Sprinkled amongst the predominantly inhospitable wealth of worlds forming from the third of the star dust God had collected was a virtual garden of planets blooming with potential; like wildly variant blossoms in a cosmic field of poisonous, infertile rocks. OK, this was really good! He noticed how the living worlds flourished best in the proper lighting from their stars and how even the positioning of their neighboring planets affected the best beneficence to their health; so God directed the Angels to adjust the lighting and re-position neighboring worlds while She had the Djinni’s slow some orbits and speed some up; and presently God was pleased again, his garden of worlds already beginning to show signs of Her Greatness. Time to take a break. God snapped His fingers and disappeared while the Djinni’s and the Angel’s did their do and kept the universes turning true. Day 2 The next day God pops back in after grabbing some supplies and gets right back to work. Her assistants had performed exceptionally well in His hasty absence; Worlds were sprouting nicely throughout the universes and everything was balanced and ordered as it should be. The blossoms were forming very nicely indeed, some a bit faster than others but at a tolerable rate of growth over all. There was a problem with further development, however, God recognized immediately. The elemental balances of those worlds that showed even the most potential were stymied and out of sorts. Some of them were Fire scorched, too much life giving Water blasted out of their biospheres or some showed signs of Air starvation over their smooth Earthen skins. The problem was in the distribution of the Water throughout the universes, Water being the scarcest of the four basic elements She had to work with. So God said, “OK folks, we need to get this garden irrigated, so check this out…” and God showed his Angels and Djinni’s how to shoot water around the black holes scattered across the universes. “See? It’s easy, once you get the trick of it.” And God assigned a third of his Hosts and Hordes to be water bearers throughout Her cosmic garden, distributing liquid life to worlds parched, dry and smoldering. And then God separated the Waters from the Earth, sending smoldering Fires deep underground while skies filled with gaseous atmospheres of Air. Once He got the ball rolling good She started sending His assistants to each of His blossoming worlds, setting His Angels to hold the Elements in place and Her Djinni’s to set it all in motion and, with the Oceans and Skies divided and Earthy crusts covering Molten centers and all in their proper places, God said, “Good!” And it was good. Day 3 God took stock of His creation and those Shed created to assist Him, paying close attention to the division of Light and Darkness it required that Everything move in its proper places. She noted the curvature of realities edges, how this perfect dichotomy between that which is Seen and that Unseen rested upon the razored swerve betwixt Yin and Yang, the delineation of Destiny within the meeting of deepest Kismet and brightest Karma, the mirroring of all revealed in the shine about reality in the reflection of Darknesses shadowy embrace and He said, Man, thats rEAlly Good! And it Was. The Darkness rested in its designated places so that the Light could best display the canvas of Reality upon which God painted the Gift of Life. She had His garden of worlds blooming nicely throughout the Universe; plants, trees and vegetation taking root wherever such roughage was wont to flourish with Her hordes of Djinn spinning it all around and His hosts of Angels holding it all in place, and it really, rEAlly was Good! So, God said so, Excellent! And the Angels and the Djinn agreed and it all lit up with excellence, nebulae shining, galaxies shimmering and cosmic reaches scintillating with invisible rainbows of dark frequencies. But there was no one around to really appreciate all this Great Work. In all the Universe, it was just God, Her Angels holding it down and His Djinn doing their jobs and moving things around... Somebody needs to be around to SEE it all, is whats missing... Mused God, ...Im just looking at Myself so far. She continued, ...I need an Audience! He concluded and immediately set about fashioning all assortments of beasts upon the Earths and fowl to fill Skies, Fish in the Seas and Animals in the Mists amongst the trees. God populated forest and plain, mountain and ocean that Third Day, creating jungles and tundras, flaming ranges of volcanoes and sleeping seas of stormy skies and it was All good. Now that there was Life burgeoning throughout existence and it was truly magnificent, even God had to admit it... The balance between Darkness and Light being ordered correctly, Everything had its shadow of itself, each and All, for as Existing in Light so Exists the shadow of Everything in Darkness in concert... And Her Angels to hold it all in place as His Djinnis kept it moving smoothly and the beasts of the lands and the fowl of the skies and every fish of each river and every sea lived and flourished and were fruitful... And it was good. Yet, at the end of the 3rd day, still very much a work in progress... Day 4 Now, even in all its perfection, Existence was still a project in the course of Being. God started this as a work of Art and is forever building upon the Foundation of Her Great Work, His Will be the Way, forever and ever, Amen... She was well pleased at how things were forming this far, all manner of living things growing in those grottos of His Gardens of Life, efficiently irrigated throughout the arid cosmic reaches by the corrective Songs of Her attentive Hosts and the motivating Dances of His enthusiastic Hordes. On the 4th Day God spent adjusting the lighting of the stars upon the orbits of their myriad orbiting celestial families, casting Her precious growing Worlds beneath their most favorable divisions of Nights from Days. He set the seasonal clocks upon each of Her Worlds, fashioning the passage of Time into the fabric of His Creation, so there were years and months and days... And now, with all of Her Angels and His Djinn holding it all in motion in rhythm with the metronome of Time keeping cadence, the flow of Life blossoming across the cosmos really began to shine, the fauna and flora now truly prepared for the Audience that God was about to introduce to Her creation... Now, God had created with Light (His Angels) and with Lightning (Her Djinnis) already and, from the stuff of Energy had thus fashioned her perfect work force; they existed specifically to move Existence in its proper place and did their jobs exceedingly well! Hurrah Djinn and Angels! Unfortunately, they did their jobs SO well they hadnt time to serve as any sort of an Audience, being employed in the Great Work as they were. And all of the plants and animals that grew verdant across the Garden of Worlds were just that: Beasts. Creatures of flesh and bone blessed with a wide variety of senses to perceive... Yet, not very much SENSE, which is the ability to recognize that one is seeing. As it stood, animals served as a poor Audience to the true splendor of Gods Great Work for, even though they lacked the Purpose of Her Angels and His Djinn, all of any beasts will was dedicated to the simple fact of survival. Life was tough! So, having put Time in its proper perspective along the division of Light from Darkness that IS the blades edge of Fate itself; and having assigned Her Djinn to moving and His Angels to shaking, God set about crafting an Audience worthy of witnessing the glory of Her Great Work in process... Day 5 God created Mortality... Her Sons and His Daughters, He seeded throughout the Cosmos, to tend Her Gardens, steward His Worlds... And so God begins Eternity again.
Posted on: Sat, 01 Nov 2014 21:28:06 +0000

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