What if, I want peace but I want to kill all those who will - TopicsExpress


What if, I want peace but I want to kill all those who will try to kill me. I will have peace when they are all dead. (A comment I over heard this week.) There are many postings today that are positive in nature and reaffirming to the true spirit of mankind. Postings that encourage, edify and uplift people in many inspirational ways, yet today I find a great dichotomy within most people. This dichotomy is a war within the personage of all that breath. It is a war that challenges our true spirituality and if not responded to properly can turn our good to evil in spite of all the positive words, posts and blogs that are out there. I dont know about you but I can find or could find myself somewhat troubled, spiritually challenged and even angered with the things that are going on in the world today. It is easy even popular to be wanting justice for the heinous actions against our citizenry, military personnel and innocents. On occasion I could struggle to find my daily balance and my greatest desire to be Christ in this world when I see these antagonistic actions that leads to the slaughter of so many. I struggle because I know and want to believe all the words that Christ spoke, I know them to be truth yet they seem obtuse in todays world or at least in this time. He said to, love you your neighbor, turn the cheek, dont render evil for evil, do good unto others, forgive them 70 x 70, do to others what you would have them to do to you and so on. These are truths, truths not to be disputed, truths that are simple to understand and explain. These verses may be written in the Bible but they have also been echoed by every major religion, mystical path and philosophical truth from the beginning of time. Man knows that PEACE is really the only path to God but how do you become peaceful when atrocities are or could be coming against you, your family and friends. One may believe in Godly peace but would you not protect your family, your country and true friends if confronted with sure destruction if you do not stand up. How is it Jesus said forgive but yet so many say destroy? Thats the dichotomy! So how does one deal with this enigma? What is a reasonable answer yet a truthful answer to these various dilemmas? When confronted with these kind of questions often it is easy to be religious in ones response. It is easy to quote a verse out of context, philosophy or just razor blade a verse in or take it out. Often times as a people we make the Bible or our philosophy what we want which makes our truth to be our god and not the truth of the real God. No different than what Aaron did with the Golden idol (calf) in the desert. I would love for some of you to respond and tell me what you think before I write where I am at now. I say now because if there is one thing I have learned over the years is that God is ever CHANGING ME. The things I learned in the past have enhanced me to be even more of what I am today even if I dont resemble those truths. I am not saying I learned anything wrong what I am saying is, Nothing is ever wrong it is simply another step in ones life. I must learn from those past truths. Come on write me. Dont worry about length. Lets dialogue.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 20:34:41 +0000

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