What if Mitt Romney wrote in a book that he was in a museum saw - TopicsExpress


What if Mitt Romney wrote in a book that he was in a museum saw the shrunken heads of black people and admitted that it gave him a thrill? Would you be okay with that? Wouldn’t a white person be condemned as a racist for making such a sick revelation as Obama did? Observation: The name of Obama’s book is “Dreams from My Father.” Obama’s Black Muslim father deserted him when he was two and did not return to see him for __ years when he visited Hawaii for two weeks. His white mother and grandparents loved him, fed him, took care of him, nurtured and raised him. The maternal side of his family is American. If Obama is an American, why does not he identify with the American side of his family? Why isn’t the name of his book, “Dreams from my Mother?” Question: Where do Obama’s loyalties and allegiances truly lie? We have all seen the picture of Barack Obama on a podium during the national anthem with other Democratic leaders. All the other politicians patriotically have their hands over their hearts except for Barrack Obama. Why not Barack? Does Obama have a problem with America’s national anthem, with American values, with American beliefs? Doesn’t Obama pledge allegiance to the United States of America and all her citizens — regardless of their race, creed or color? On page 145 in ‘Dreams from my Father” Obama recalls a trip with his mother to a museum in Chicago. “At the Field Museum, I saw two shrunken heads that were on display. They were wrinkled but well preserved, each the size of my palm, their eyes and mouths sewn shut, just as I should have expected. They appeared to be of European extraction: the man had a small goatee, like a conquistador; the female had flowing red hair. I stared at them for a long time (until my mother pulled me away), feeling with the morbid glee of a young boy—- as if I had stumbled upon some sort of cosmic joke. Not so much as the heads had been shrunk — that I could understand; it was the same idea as eating tiger meat with Lolo**, a form of magic, a taking of control. Rather, the fact these little European faces were here in a glass case, where strangers, perhaps even descendants, might observe the details of their gruesome fate. That no one seemed to think that odd.” This is what gives Obama a thrill, a sense of “morbid glee.” How ghoulishly frightening and completely bizarre! Does any sane person think Obama’s reaction is a normal one? What mentally balanced, stable human being enjoys seeing the shrunken heads of dead people from another race? Obama, himself, even seems to understand that there is something mentally wrong with him. Barack realizes that is abnormal to take delight in such a macabre sight. He uses the term “morbid-glee” which is almost an oxymoron. Normal people feel sadness and repulsion over morbid sights. This is unquestionably and most definitely a sign that Obama is not of a sound mind. It is irrefutable evidence of emotional imbalance and mental illness. He says, “I stared at them for a long time” until his mother had to pull him away. So we can see Obama was transfixed and mesmerized by viewing decapitated white people. The brutal fate and violent end of these white people gives Obama a feeling of “morbid glee.” And he is in the White House? Obama makes an analogy between seeing mutilated white people to “eating tiger meat”. What an incredible and frightening psychological revelation. A tiger in the wild is a natural enemy to man. Eating a tiger is eating your enemy. Obama makes the analogy between the sight of dead white people as “the same as eating tiger meat with Lolo.” (Lolo is an Obama’s Indonesian step father and his mother’s second Muslim husband) Obama’s own words clearly expose that he views white people as his enemy. The “gruesome fate” of these whites was so pleasurable and satisfying to Obama that he actually describes his feelings as “a form of magic, of taking control.” Obama has deep-seated emotional problems. It is absolutely undeniable that Barack Obama is an anti-white racist. Obama’s makes it clear that his allegiance is not to all of America’s citizens. He admits his racism writing on page 101: “No it remained necessary to prove which side you were on, to show your loyalty to the black masses,to strike out and name names,” americansstandwithisrael.blogspot/2013/07/is-barack-obama-mentally-unstable.html
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 16:42:31 +0000

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