What if Plagiarism Was Criminal and Not Ethical If - TopicsExpress


What if Plagiarism Was Criminal and Not Ethical If plagiarism was criminal in nature and not ethical a certain reporter for one of the local newspapers would be in jail serving multiple sentences. A few weeks ago I wrote an article about my concerns of one of the local newspapers committing plagiarism by stealing my content. After the article was written it stopped for exactly 2 weeks and the it happened again today. Erin Green with The Llano County Journal intentionally steals content from this site and rewrites it to make it look like it was not copied. There were several stories this week that she was not at and had no knowledge they had occurred but yet she wrote stories on them. I have confirmed with a source at the Llano County Sheriff’s office that she usually calls within a few minutes of the story popping up this site. The reason she calls the SO is so she can quote someone to make it look like she did the story on her own which is not the case at all. I know she gets the info off my site because she usually mentions something that was only published here or she would have to have been at the scene to know about it and she was no where near any of the scenes this week but yet she had stories on them. The irony of all this is I worked on a couple of stories with a previous reporter for the Journal and the Editor would always make them post date stories so they would not come out until 10:00pm online because they were always worried someone would steal there stories before press time. I guess it is ok for them to steal but not the other way around. There are plenty of articles online where reporters have been terminated for plagiarism. Most newspapers do not want to be accused of such behavior but I guess The Journal does not care as long as they get the story, sell a paper and make a buck. If you are going to write an article you should at least make the scene or get a press release or have some basis for writing the article other than stealing others work. I guess it is easier to just steal others work than it is to go out and actually do the leg work.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 17:46:37 +0000

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