What if Shakespeare was a renowned historian? Effect: Due to - TopicsExpress


What if Shakespeare was a renowned historian? Effect: Due to advanced technology, the industrial revolution happens 200 years early. What if Woodrow Wilson had never been US President? Effect: World War II would have been avoided. What if Frank Sinatra was never born? Effect: Nuclear devastation. (edit. everyone knows this) What if Franklin Roosevelt was assassinated in 1933? Effect: Colonization of the Moon, Venus, and Mars by 1962. What if Germany had invaded Britain by sea? Effect: World War II might have ended earlier—but Hitler would still have lost. What if Martin Scorsese had directed pretty woman? Effect: One of america’s favorite rom-coms of the 1990s would have been a gritty tragedy. What if Al Gore became U.S. President? Effect: The President is an idiot.
Posted on: Mon, 26 Aug 2013 01:45:03 +0000

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