What if the bible is human originated? It isnt. There is no - TopicsExpress


What if the bible is human originated? It isnt. There is no way that humans originated the scriptures. Even athiest spokesman Michael Drosden admitted that. He thinks aliens wrote it....lol. It is TOO PERFECT. No errors, no unreconcilable contradictions, mathematically PERFECT. Man has never produced even a mathematically perfect paragraph.....let alone an entire text of 66 books dictated to 40 men over the course of 1500 years with perfect harmony. Revealing a single author.....:) Thats truly incredible!!! Lets look at some of the implications............. Well, obviously weve got SOMEONE out there who has lived at the very minimum 6,000 years. Hes got answers in the scriptures AND supporting evidence to corroborate going back that far. FORGET CARBON DATING......its a scientific farce. The only way to prove their accuracy is to have witnesses that far back to verify their findings, or have a time machine.....and they dont. The EVIDENCE says that Adam and Eve were the first HUMANS.......not necessarily the first with similar biological features. The earth had many types of creatures on it when God created the first humans and put them in the garden. The curse put them out there with giants, and dinosaurs, (behemoths) and many creatures that werent preserved beyond the flood. The ONE who gave us the scriptures has knowledge of our planet, and our species that man doesnt have.....but when discovered, the scriptures are the most reliable form of verification. The ONE who gave us the scriptures has fore-knowledge of the future. Not just events......but also their outcome. It cant be humans from the future giving them to us because there is no motivation to misrepresent themselves as a deity. Also....if wicked man had access to time travel, he would go back and NOT CRUCIFY the risen Savior. That sacrifice STANDS and cant be erased!! YAY!!! The ONE who gave us the scriptures has shown us His superiority. He is the creator (and proves it) and COULD force Himself upon us, but doesnt. Instead, He says we are His Family and demonstrated to us the ultimate act of love, peace and goodwill toward us......by dying for us. He didnt have to do that. Hes got servants by the trillions, and doesnt have to die for them!!! The ONE who gave us the scriptures GUARANTEES that ALL THINGS work together for good for those who love Him. HOW DOES HE ACCOMPLISH SUCH A FEAT?? Because Hes designed it it be that way.......:). Thats the only way. Keep in mind that we arent like God......we are a reflection.....:). We tend to think about God in non flesh terms, but the last time Jesus was seen He was HUMAN in His form. Those who witnessed His ascension saw a man in a human body defy gravity and levitate into the clouds. He has shown us in secular terms the whole concept.......in a story called SUPERMAN. A man from somewhere else comes here, lives a human life while also having superhuman abilities and intercedes against evil for the people. JESUS CHRIST IS THE REAL SUPERMAN!!!!!!
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 21:29:52 +0000

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