What if there were no such thing as Islam? India will go up in - TopicsExpress


What if there were no such thing as Islam? India will go up in flames if Afzal hangs. The immediate past CM of J & K - Mufti Mohd Sayeed & his daughter Mehbooba Mufti (yes the same who was kidnapped & released in exchange for some notorious Kashmir militants who now move freely in the neighbouring country) says the sentence is too harsh! Too harsh my foot! He should have been shot in public.I have lost 18 members of my immediate family (ages ranging from 25 to 42) fighting insurgency in J & K, the Kargil war, anti insurgency operations in North East etc. There have been instances when sheer lack of political will has demoralised our troops at every stage. We had some secretaries & ministers who once ordered cow dung to be transported to our troops posted at Siachen/ Leh-Ladakh/ Kargil as food rations. This is a fact!!!!!!Parliament voted down on Islamic grounds a provision designed to stiffen penalties for honor killings.court sentenced a 19-year-old man to 10 years in jail for stabbing his sister to death in order to cleanse the family honour, a judicial official said on Friday. The defendant turned himself in to police after killing his 22-year-old sister last year for many unexplained absences from home. Combating terrorism, now being discredited by intolerant fanatics and opportunists politician, under whom ,the elite citizen, responsible for the executive functioning and the Investigating agencies responsible to protect the sovereign power of the State are knee down in anticipation of their posting for greasing their palm. This is the greatest problem of the world. It has become the threat to the Nations, who encouraged it during the process of the struggle of cold war, with fellow nation. The god of hated filled cult having its mandate to get the rid of the world of proclaimed “infidels” and “heretics”, are themselves struggling against their own weaknesses The kingdom of Arabia was formulated on the principles, that this world rejected all type of injustice, violence, breach of peace, bloodshed, murder and plunder. Jihad was defined after the battle of Bard. It is written in the “Kitbag al Tauhid”. The tomb of Prophet Muhammad was virtually destroyed in 1803 at Medina and People Stripped the Kaba at Makah. Hindus are orphan in India as well as in overseas countries Why is it so?Hindus are humilited in their own country and Hindus are suffered in Fiji,Malaysia,Tinidad,Sri Lanka,African countries and many other countries and have no support fron Government of India Why? Because secularism is the guiding principal since 1947 under Nehru-Gandhi s Congress and its foreign-minority rule in India for most of 62 years and at present being ruled by Euro-Italian women called Sonia Maino Antonio Gandhi where the P.M. and his cabinet has more respect for this dynasty[ nasty] than the people and constitution of India. They take oath for the severeignty and integrity of India but since 15.08.1947 the have lost sovereignty and integrity of India. Indias condition will be worse than Zimbabwe under the present UPA and its allince of opportunists.What was supposed to be Independence in 1947 after centuries of savage and brutal treatment by Turks, Moguls and the British, condemned as “Kafirs” by Arab, Persian and Afghan MASTERS, not to speak of the Europeans, including the Portuguese, the French and the Dutch, besides the British, turned out to be PARTITION in which one third of India became Pakistan and reverted back to dark and savage Sharia Law. How are we to liberate the co-called Pakistanis from the agonising suffocating Cage of Koran? How?
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 18:46:35 +0000

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