What if today is REALLY the day we leave?? Oh, Im so thrilled - - TopicsExpress


What if today is REALLY the day we leave?? Oh, Im so thrilled - Ive been watching and waiting for His return more than half my life......every single day, all day, everyday - studying 18 hours a day, never sleeping - never seeing my family, not having any friends, having no life here at all - living only for this moment in time that seemed like it would never come!!!!! HES COMING!!!!!! I dont know if He will come today.......I wish I did know for sure, but I dont. It makes sense to me that His return would be on the most happy day on the calendar - and there are a WAY whole bunch of factors for this day that make it the best possibility Ive seen yet. But each possibility gets even better than the last!!!! Hes coming before the end of the year. I do believe that the Word indicates a SUMMER return of the King. If He comes now, everything lines up PERFECTLY with the Jews fleeing in the winter at the mid-Trib point, and the 5th blood moon marking the Tribulation period midpoint. Oh my gosh you guys!!!! WE ARE LEAVING!!!!!! Seriously, I can barely contain myself!!!! I cant hold back the tears!!!! I get excited with every single possibility - but this one, this one is different because I cant think ahead to the next one yet. I usually can, but not this time. Its like if this one comes and goes, Im going to begin considering that Ive got the timing wrong on when the generation started. But HOW could I be wrong when the Tetrad showed up precisely at the point where my own researched showed the Tribulation starting? Those eight blood moons give us TIMING. I really do believe that this is it..... BUT, I could be missing a critical piece of information. Oh, I hope this is it....and Ill tell you the truth - I dont care about whether Im right or wrong about this personally. Im nobody, it doesnt even matter. As Paul said - Ive fought a good fight, Ive finished my race. I warned everyone I could, I did my best to make disciples, and spread the Word. Oh dang - here come the tears again. Weve uploaded a wealth of information onto the youtube channel at BelieversCentral1. Almost a thousand videos there, and the Tribulation saints have all the information they need to help them survive and thrive during that horrible time coming. Were ready........ I want Him to come today more than Ive ever wanted anything in my life. But, if todays not the day - Ill wait again tomorrow......:)
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 16:59:59 +0000

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