What if we had to pick up the pieces of humanity and restart from - TopicsExpress


What if we had to pick up the pieces of humanity and restart from scratch? What if all our technology was shut down? Political systems in anarchism, militaries at war for resources, while martial law and order prevails. Cities abandoned by the thousands, small bands of militiamen looting and committing violent crimes. all this would happen like a new medieval time, a rebirth of the dark ages. Sensible people versus the Savage while a Walking Dead scenario plays out minus the zombies. No fuel, no power, no food, no jobs, no bills or payments, and crazed citizens searching for purpose, civilization, and hope. The sick and injured as well as those being cared for by the medical industry would be definitely at risk while in other places disease, infection, and sickness run rampant unless they can be treated. hospitals, vets, pharmacies, and even nursing homes will be overrun by people needing care and/or medicine. Those with medical skills will become very valuable providingthey dont perish to the harsh reality. There will also be people who are for the most part unaffected. Maybe in some parts of the world things will stay as they are, possibly even allowing places that were once obsecure to become quite popular and sought-after resources. It is possible even some of the most uninhabitable places on the earth may become the sanctuaries. These could be places where technology and innovation could make a comeback, so it seems very likely they would be highly contested by the factions remaining. re-creating thousands of years of progress will shortly be a task though, especially when so many of the Technic sand Technologies may be nonexistent/ missing pieces. People who could cook, farm, fish, climb, sew, cut hair, forge metal/metalsmiths, butchers, all manners of teachers, scientists, doctors, engineers, linguists/language teachers, hunters, nurses, holy men, artists, policemen, soldiers, babysitters, athletes, and various other elements of society. the contemplations of restarting the world after a great disaster are immense. So many people with so many skill sets would be needed in so many places. Transportation would be a bag of ifs and maybes. There will probably be no laws to protect you, so the wild wild west it is. Positive thinking persistence and hard work will do their part . With luck we can get past our petty differences and issues while moving forward.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 06:52:31 +0000

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