What if what we consider as Aliens or hyperdimensional beings, are - TopicsExpress


What if what we consider as Aliens or hyperdimensional beings, are actually what ancient texts considered as the Fallen Angels and Demons?.. Reports of dragons in Asia, Vimanas and flying carpets in India, flying chariots in Europe and the Middle East may just have been UFOs, but it was the only way for them to express it back then when this type of technology couldnt be explained... Reports of magic in the past centuries may have just been Alien intervention and people called it magic just because they werent able to explain technology... What if Hollywood is spreading disinformation and clouding the real concept of what these beings may actually be? What if the ones called the Annunaki really created man as a slave race to mine gold and created woman from genetic engineering by using bone marrow of mans rib (Garden of Eden)? What if many ancient pyramids and temples which still stand today were created from anti-gravity technology by the ones our ancestors called the Gods who came from the sky to help accelerate human advancement, and that they gave us language, politics, a numerical system, astronomy, and created Religion to keep us separated and under control?... What if they are not beings from another Galaxy or Solar System, but rather Demonic entities who have taken control of our planet and manufacture the rules, controlling the humans who control us?... What if you began to take Physics and Science and combined it with Religion and Spirituality, instead of being like everybody else and chose one or the other and argued who is right or wrong... What if William Cooper and Phil Schneider were right about these beings and underground bases? What if it comes to the point where the Elite can no longer hide the fact that there is intelligent life that has been visiting us since ancient Sumeria and Babylon? And What if the Vatican opens their archives to the real truth about Jesus, ET life, Angels, and Demons?.. What if The Elite disclosed the truth and showed us the 50+ years ahead in technology they have acquired and just take care of the oil, coal, and energy crisis which we now face, by using their anti-gravity technology they discovered more than 50 years ago? By doing so they would shut down the petroleum industry which would lose money and that is why they suppress this technology... What if people found out that there is more to Religion and that whether or not people believe God or Satan, the Elite do and are trying to play God by manipulating the weather and trying to create chimeras human-animal hybrids? And what if they have plans to enslave us all with the RFID microchip (Mark of the Beast)? What if people actually understood that there are only imaginary boundaries and borders and that we were all one, and that if we actually all stopped voting, paying bills and rose up at the same time that the ones in control would crash immediately? What if people were aware that there is a heaven, an afterlife because our soul is eternal, because we are energy and energy cannot die?. What if people put all these pieces together and connected the dots to help them scratch the surface to this reality which has been hidden in plain sight since the dawn of man? Call it what you like, Alien or Angel/Demon.. They are out there and are controlling the minds of us all.. The Elite operate under their Reptilian brain, the R-Complex which makes them act out of Ego, Impulse, Greed, Violence, War, and it makes them feel like they have to contain this need for power over humanity... This thing people call Freedom is and always was an illusion, same with the elections making you think that you actually had a choice... To them, Money is God. Corporations and Bankers pull the strings in this game. The thing is its not just what if because there is much evidence about all of this, but its just up to how you perceive things... This may all be my opinion, but history backs up my questions.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 09:46:06 +0000

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