What if you were told that some of the negative things that occur - TopicsExpress


What if you were told that some of the negative things that occur in your life are actually caused by you. To make it clear, let me break it down like so... Say you leave a piece of garbage laying around ie. banana peel. And the result of that banana peel laying around are flies. Anybody would jump straight to being upset with the flies for invading their environment, but nobody will take a second and say to themselves this is the result of my own actions. By leaving garbage out you made the flies believe that it was a place to make home. Sometimes in life we need to realize that things that take place in your life are for the most part a direct result of what you put out. Whether its the energies you send out, your attitude, your actions or even the way you think. You are surrounded by negative people? well reevaluate your attitude. You cant find a special someone and end up with assholes? then reevaluate how you carry yourself and the amount of respect you have for yourself. Not getting anywhere in life? reevaluate the work you are putting in and who you are surrounded by. So before we are ready to point fingers we must first look in the mirror and ask yourself what can I change about me thatll change my situation! But dont get me wrong..sometimes life is just simply unfair! Positive Mental Attitude KNL SD God bless
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 16:19:33 +0000

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