What interests me is the below screen shot reported of the New - TopicsExpress


What interests me is the below screen shot reported of the New Years speech. THREE YEARS DOWN, THIS GUY IS STILL PROMISING US THINGS AS IF HE IS IN THE CAMPAIGN TRAIL READY FOR AN ELECTION. Uhuru Muigai Kamau has reneged on everything he promised Kenyans. He has failed in every policy as written in his manifesto. He has made Kenya a pariah state! He has defeated justice at ICC through non cooperation or eradication of evidences. He has instilled tribalism deep to the core of Kenya. He has robbed Central Bank of billions through uncontrolled corruption. Yet he tells me of promises. Yes, Kenya had promises before he was forced down the throat of Kenyans by the corrupt IEBC. The promises have vanished and the journey taken over by one tribe who still sees and enjoys them. What other promise is Uhuru promising? That owing to some Bad New Law, the Auditor General is not going to tell Kenyans how much his government have thieved and transferred to oversees bank accounts? That Kenyans are not going to be allowed to assemble, speak or associate because of the Bad New Law? Or that being a Kikuyu or Kalenjin will remain the only qualification required to be hired for a state job or get important services such as healthcare? What promises is Kenya full of under his Kalongolongo government? Challenge me by telling one, if any?
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 16:45:51 +0000

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