What is 5X3 and why was it created? As most know, 5X3 stands - TopicsExpress


What is 5X3 and why was it created? As most know, 5X3 stands for 5 fish by 3 0’Clock. Which is how 99% of the fishing world works when it comes to competitive fishing. You take your best 5 fish and weigh them in at 3 0’clock. Simple enough. Here is the important part. It was created to bring fishermen and women of all skill levels together. See, fishing is a sport that knows no boundaries. It doesn’t care about your skin colors, your social status, your bank account, your career, your good deeds or misfortunes. Our prey isn’t concerned with what kind of car we drive, boat we fish out of, what we pay for our baits or anything else. It doesn’t know if you are Gerald Swindle or if you’re a first time angler, Kevin Van Dam or little girl fishing with her dad for the first time. This is a sport where a girl in a $2,000 bass boat can compete with the best anglers in the world…..and win. A sport where the skill and luck can combine and catapult an average angler into the world of major league bass fishing within a few tournaments. A sport like many others that require a lot of hard work, determination and time on the water. This sport is no different than many other sports from around the world where there are winners and lots of losers, heartaches, setbacks and inevitably……quitters. A sport full of should haves, could haves, might have beens, up and comings, average Joes and those that couldn’t catch them in the bath tub and this is where 5X3 has it roots. 5X3 is here to promote anglers at all levels because we know the average Joe and Jane is the reason this sport is what it is today. We know that the hard working men and women fund this sport with their 40, 50 and 60 hour work weeks. Scraping up every dime and working overtime just to be able to go out on Saturday and play their game on the most beautiful arena God ever made. They are busting their asses and most just scraping by to try and have their 5X3 come the weekend. See, 5X3 isn’t just a logo or a lifestyle. It’s what we are as competitive anglers. 5X3 has a meaning that deep down inside every angler is a goal that they have not only worked all week for but have worked towards every time that have put their boat or kayak in the water. It’s a passion and a desire that burns inside our competitive soul like a furnace and no matter how bad we perform on any given day, will never be extinguished. It is who we are! No Excuses is our motto because no matter what the day had in store for us or how the “fishing Gods” looked upon us that day, when we step up to the scales, there are NO EXCUSES. Everything we do during game day is a conscious effort on our part that leads to either victory or defeat. We can’t blame our equipment; we can’t blame the fish, or electronics, or boat or motor because ultimately our success or failure lies solely on our shoulders. So win or lose, there are No Excuses and as we say, you just have to Shut up and Fish. See, people are constantly looking for an excuses in our sport to justify their bad day on the water. “had a big one get off,” “fish were gone,” “Boat was messed up, couldn’t get to my spot.” All these are just another excuses. What about the guy that blows his motor on takeoff, drops the trolling motor and beats everyone’s eyes out? We have all witnessed it or at least heard of it happening. See the sport of competitive bass fishing has a lot to do with overcoming adversity and adapting to current situations…..not making excuses. The world is full of great excuse but at 5X3 we don’t believe in them. Our sport has some, if not the very best people in the world competing in it. Old, young, men, women, kids, disabled, well and everything in between and at 5X3 we embrace them all. It takes all kinds to make this sport go round and we know that and will never turn our back on any angler. So this is what 5X3 is truly about and where our passion lies. We believe every angler deserves the spotlight, even if just for a brief minute and that is our goal and since day one we have never wavered and never will. Locals and amateurs are our bread and butter and they always will be. So if you think 5X3 is just a shirt, you are sadly mistaken. It is who we are!
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 17:35:50 +0000

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