What is AIMcademy? AIMcademy is a digital Training School - TopicsExpress


What is AIMcademy? AIMcademy is a digital Training School designed for all members of Alliance in Motion Global. It is created to fulfill the promise given by the company to fully support all distributors who have entrusted their time, money and effort with AIM Global’s Vision of successwhich is “Better health and greater wealth” for themselves and their families.- How established is AIM Global? After nearly 9 years since AIM Global Inc. was established, with all its super success stories in terms of product testimonies, ordinary people turned millionaires, record breaking sales, plus mega projects like our manufacturing plant and international offices and of course the building of our NEWEST headquarters in 2016, you would think the Board of Directors has enough INNOVATIONS to put under their belt. Think again.The Board of Directors together with their Training Team and Marketing Team have decided to dedicate their lives in helping others reach for their dream, thus another innovation, AIMcademy is launched. AIMCADEMY – tool for training As we all know, Network Marketing is a business of duplication, leveraging. multiplying your time thru others etc. It is being able to get more things done at the soonest time possible, AIMcademy then serves that purpose by providing its Distributors all the knowledge, skills he/she needs to succeed in this business by just simply logging in to this website. Reaches out World wide AIMcademy also reaches out to our business partners all over the world who does not have the luxury of attending special trainings or seminars because of time and distance.This website then gives them a chance to listen and watch their favorite speakers/trainers at the comfort of their living room or during their spare time.This site also provides in depth look on how the business of Network Marketing Works. It consists of frequently asked question, sough-after questions and a series of videos design to help you as a distributor learn what step to take starting from day 1 of joining AIM Global up to the day you’ve earned your first Million and beyond. The team behind AIMcademy We have great motivational videos starting from non-otherthan the Board of Directors, Dr. Ed Cabantog – Chief Executive Officer Eng’r. Francis Miguel – Chief Finance Officer Mr. John Asperin – Chief Marketing Officer We also have Training Videos spearheadedby our Training Team, Mr. Arnel Limpin – Training Director Mr. Jurgen Gonzales – Business Development Manager Mr. Jun Espinosa – Marketing Manager The Marketing Team also provides special webinars headed by Dr. Butch Villena, Mr. Adrian del Rosario,Mr. Miko Imson, Mr. Jayson Layno, Mr. Elmo Bayer and Mr. Bong Asperin.We also include great tips and insights by our Top Distributorswho will share their experience and secrets on how they were able to amass great amount of wealth doing AIM Global business.To win in life specially in AIM Global, you need a steady flow of positive and inspirational information.AIMcademy is that flow.Together, we can change the network marketing profession and the world.- See more at: aimcademy/about-us#sthash.sLDLuXxi.iGgLvbze.dpuf
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 22:04:28 +0000

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