What is Faith? Faith is believing in something you cant - TopicsExpress


What is Faith? Faith is believing in something you cant see Faith is having a hope for something you want to happen. Faith is Hope. When most people hear the word faith they automaticly assume it goes hand in hand with religion. This is a stereotype. Just like other stereotypes, we see something or someone and we tend to avoid it, because we have already an assumed definition of who that person is and what that thing is. We have a defined assumption, and we avoid it because its easier to assume than it is to experience. We see something that clashes with our definition , then avoid it to cause less distress in our minds. Its much easier to avoid someone or something than to find out for yourself what it is all about. Faith is probably the most hated stereotype out there. Because of peoples pasts , or experiences, they hear word like faith and god and automaticly think they know everything about it, even though never taking the time to experience it for themselves. I cant blame nor judge someone for not having a religion or believing in God, because thats their choice. What I can get mad at is someone who has never took the time to seek god, telling someone like me that god doesnt exist. Or that Faith is a ridiculous concept. If the opinions of the un experienced mattered to me , I would not be doing the things I am doing, if I did not have faith I would have been stopped before I even started. I am just some guy , who went for a long walk, and found God. I trust and love God and relied on God to bring to where I am now, and I got to say, Im loving the way its working out for me. Whats in a name? A past. Thats why I sign things with Drummer. Because wherever I lived people know Collin or they think they know. Ive said several times that Ive done nothing but lie to the people I know . Yet some of you can get in a little circle and talk about the person I used to be like you know me, when you didnt. How could you know me when I didnt even know myself? Who I was in the past is not who I am today, and I am nothing but grateful for the change Jesus and God has brought into my life. My DNA is upgraded, I did it myself. I went for a walk and had FAITH that I would become a different and better person. I have never been able to stick with a plan, and now my head has never been clearer. Without my ADHD medication Ive never felt so smart, so creative, so alive. I think of everything, I look at all the corners, I trust my God to lead me to the things I need to see. I see a message in everything, from books, to shows, to stars and clouds. Because I have FAITH that ill be able to see these things. And I do. You can sit there and argue with this, but the mere fact is, you cant win an argument with me about something you know nothing about. Especially if you have no clue what I had to go through to get to this point. When you sit there and tell a person like me that god doesnt exist and faith is useless I can do nothing but laugh. I laugh because you are out of touch , I laugh because you have not experienced such beautiful things in your life. Then I cry because I realize that deep down, your life is full of sadness. Which is why you have to send so much time arguing with people about the sources of their own happiness. Im not here to tell you that you are wrong for not believing in god, thats your choice. Im telling you that when you try to knock a person down whos found a reason for all the happiness in their lives, it doesnt make you look better. In fact, if anything, it makes you look sad and weak. Just because I have a set religion , just because I have Faith in the Unknown, just because I believe in an almighty God. Doesnt mean that I cannot be your friend. It doesnt mean that I dont want to talk to you , or associate with you. Quite the opposite actually. I love telling people of my personal stories and who I am, It brings a sense of peace to me. Doubt me is fine, it doesnt bother me . Criticize me, its fine it doesnt bother me . What bothers me is the way a person can judge, hate, assume, and disregard a human soul just because of their religion or race. Especially when I see other Christians do this. People who are supposed to be godly and imitate Christ are the same people who will judge and tell you that you are wrong for believing in what you do. My version? I accept you for whoever or whatever you believe. I just expect to be accepted for my own beliefs. If we as two people cannot accept eachother based on just a few differences , then where is that leading humanity? Seriously.....I believe in Almighty God. Whos ultimate form is LOVE. What I dont Believe is that the All Father is going to disregard you for having found true love in your heart in a different way than the next guy. Whos to say Jesus did not appear to different cultures under a different name? Whos are you to say God doesnt exist, when I have such a close relationship to God? Whos to say one way to find God is better than the other? This type of thinking is what drove us apart as humans on the first place, the type of thinking that separates and makes classes of people. I can only do so much, I can only give what I know. One thing that makes me extremely happy though....before I started I had FAITH that I could help change this world. When I look to Facebook and watch, I can SEE the change happening. I doesnt matter if people remember my name or not, its not about that. Its about making this world a better place, its about ushering In era of peace. Its about being someone my family can be proud of. I do not care how long it takes, or how much abuse I receive, I will never give up on my mission from god. Wherever god sends me, whatever tribulations I face, my God will be there with me. For every fire I stand in, my God himself blows in the flames. I know things will be alright, I know my son will be reunited with me one day, I know whatever happens ill die with a smile on my face and my fist in the air. This is Faith. Much LOVE To ALL OF YOU -Drummer 13th
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 16:44:51 +0000

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