What is Gaza? # MustReadBefore you guys make any opinions about - TopicsExpress


What is Gaza? # MustReadBefore you guys make any opinions about the conflict in Israeland Gaza. pls check these facts and figures:1. Gaza was invaded by Israel in 1967 & ever since Israel isillegally occupying the whole ofthe Gaza strip.2. Gaza is surrounded on threesides by Israel who has blockedallthese three sides by Israeli army.& Navy.One side is border ofEgypt where the Egyptian armyalong with Israeli & UN observers& monitors blocks the entry of any body from/to Gaza.Gaza isliterally huge prison where noteven a bird can enter withoutIsrael’s permission.3. Gaza has no sea port or airport or even a train station.4. Gaza residents cannot leave Gaza as they don’t even havepassports. Plus there are Israeli check points at every place. Alsono one from any country can enter Gaza without Israel’spermission which is impossibleto get , forget about ordinary maneven the top politicians of powerful countries had been deniedentry in Gaza by Israel. Gaza is a place which is totally cutofffrom the rest of the world.5. Each and every daily use commodities comes through theseIsraeli check points. Even the milk, wheat medicines all itemscome through these Israeli check points. Israel charge taxes onall the items witch goes through these check points.6. Gaza is like a big jail. It is entire country under seize. Eveninside Gaza Israel have severalcheck posts at importantjunctions. The Israeli army harasses and humiliates Gazacitizens every day as the Gaza citizens cross these check posts.7. The UN has urged Israel numerous times to remove this illegalseizure of Gaza but Israel never listen to UN .More then 50resolutions have been passed by UN against Israel but with USAalways on its side so Israel just doesn’t care.8. The food and essentials are always in short supply in Gaza asIsrael delays, discourages and harass its imports in Gaza. Shopsdon’t have enough rations, hospitals don’t have enough andessential medicines. Power is in short supply, petrol and gas is inshortage too. The inflation is highest in the world in Gaza as aresult of it. The poverty is rising at the highest rate also. TheGaza children’s are among the worst malnutrition children now.9. There are no specialized doctors or equipments to treattheserious injury or disease in anyhospitals. Every now and thenIsraeli army bomb Gaza and the innocent civilians get hurtduring bombing. These wounded civilians plead and beg in thecheck points to let them out for treatment but they kind Israeliarmy never let them. So the wounds which could have beentreated become more severe and often the wounded becomeshandicapped for the rest of their lives.10. Once a thriving society and rich people now have becomebeggars & prisoners in their own country.Can you imagine thetrauma the humiliation the harassment the pain in the hearts ofthese people who have been invaded and made prisoners andslaves in their own country?They have been struggling for their independence since almost50 years now. With each passing day Israel is constructing newsettlements for its Israeli citizens in their land. With eachpassing day their hope of independence, a hope to live anormallife like any other human is fading away. Every night they sleepin pain and every morning they wake up with sorrows.In the pretext of peace talks Israel actually is delaying theirindependence to capture moreand more of their land everydayby constructing new Israeli homes and settlements. ThePalestinians know this and theyare watching it helplessly. Justlike a goat watch the lion eats its children but can do nothing.They are shedding tears of blood. With Israeli soldiers harassingthem , cursing them, abusing them mocking them, hurting them ,killing them everyday in their very own land, all Palestinians cando is watch and cry.What suggestions do you have now? The western paid media ismaking & broadcasting news insuch a manner that one shouldfeel as if Gaza residence are the one who are occupying Israeland Israel is fighting for the freedom of its citizen. So thatpeople can only curse and blame Gaza residents.Can you try to feel their misery and helplessness? We can noteven imagine spending even one day in the jail called Gaza andthey are living there everyday.
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 07:37:42 +0000

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