What is God telling us the evidence? Interestingly, God and - TopicsExpress


What is God telling us the evidence? Interestingly, God and the Koran, as well as the sentences in the book of the universe works verses he describes. The most frequently mentioned in the Quran verses at the beginning of the universe comes sky. God sees everyone always admired and often draws our attention to the sky often: Does not look to the sky at the top, whether it How have adorned the building ... (Quran, 50/6) In another verse says: With the creation of the heavens and the difference of your languages and colors again one of his verses. Surely, there are signs for people of knowledge. (Quran, 30/22). The first verse to look up at the sky and has ordered us to think about how it was created. If the second verse, about the creation of the heavens and the earth sciences, and this has been achieved by using scientific contemplation of people who see evidence of Gods existence, he says. Let these verses were revealed for more than fourteen centuries have passed. Since that day, mankind was tremendous progress in knowledge about space. Astronomy has evolved as a separate field of science. We do not have the opportunity to explain all of this information here. With an example, using the new information we get about space, how to read the verses of Allah try to understand. Evidence on the Existence of God from the sky and space When we look at the sky from one angle it looks like a magnificent dome; the world of the palace, in the provision of a dome gilded with stars. From another perspective, millions of spacecraft is traveling at great speed in a sea of space looks like. Judging from another angle, man-made large aircraft and billions of times faster than a spectacular aircraft where air fleet looks like. Have you ever thought how many stars are in the sky? Until now, many attempted to answer this question, although no one could give a definite answer. In 2003, a group of researchers at the Australian National University, using the latest technological tools have made an estimate. They figure as follows: (seventy seksilyos). (6) Also, according to scientists, the number of stars in the sky ten times more than the grains of sand on Earth. When I think on the scale of space, our earth dominance fight, fight inability to share the children is like a grain of sand. As a result, the ruler of the whole world, even if we will get the space scale, is not even a tenth of a sand. Well, so far we do not know the number of stars and planets, what we mean? God, turning our attention to them, and that is how they got within a uniform system wants us to think the way you move. We abilities we have, in the light of our knowledge and experience, many of these stars, which are as many as we can put it into perspective. Man-made celestial objects by comparing it to something that we can understand how they exist. Man was not yet a star; but not all countries joined forces with the International Space Station, which they called a miniature planet is trying to do. So, how stars and planets were there, looking at the man-made miniature planet can understand a degree. Although miniature human beings do not think I underestimated one of the most magnificent works. Indeed, I spend some even a lifetime to understand how they do itll be deprived because of this masterpiece, I am honored on behalf of humanity. Compared with the Earth and other planets miniature I want to say that. The people here dared to make a second space station, no doubt they will not be successful; because it is necessary for hundreds of thousands of scientists and engineers do not have. We do not have factories to produce the necessary appliances. So, to make a miniature planetary physics, engineering, biology, mathematics in many scientific fields need to be highly knowledgeable. Also, the information needed to apply the muscle and engine power. In short, a miniature planet is the result of higher learning and a major power. Then, from the International Space Station, which is much bigger and even more spectacular trillions of stars and planets, with infinite knowledge and infinite power of the work. (7) Someone staring at the sky, Arabic Lailaheillallah article somehow brighter than reported Allah sees. Because if the world is a palace compared to the month of our nights, our lamps; sun, our stove and our very bright electric lamp; If other stars that decorate our sky gilded dome, decorated our lambacık. Then, the stars, the sun, the moon and the earth, who did? The Quran answers this question as follows: He (Allah) created the heavens and the earth with truth. He is exempt from the common run (Surat an-Nahl, 16/3). It is night and day and the sun and the moon gave your disposal. Stars act on the orders of Allah. No doubt in their mind for users, there are many proofs. (Surat an-Nahl, 16/12). What can the sun overtake the moon, nor can the night outstrip the day. Each float each in an orbit. (Quran, 36/40). The sun, at the designated place for itself flows (returns). Here, it is Gods will that saints and scholars. (Quran, 36/38). The last two verses, refers to the return of the sun. The science of astronomy in the 20th century discovered that the sun returned, although illiterate Prophet. Muhammad (pbuh) fourteen centuries ago to report it, is a proof of his prophethood. According to modern astronomy, the sun is 225 km per second, minute 13.500 km and 810,000 km per hour is moving. How many miles per hour speed of the fastest passenger plane made assuming that the sun hundreds of times faster than the fastest plane goingll see. In 2005, while on a Greek passenger plane travel, cold weather gear is broken in two pilot had died and aircraft had crashed into the mountain in a few minutes. So, billions of times larger than our our aircraft and thousands of trillions of times faster celestial planes, even though they are unmanned, how collision and able to move without falling? Man-made aircraft or spacecraft, with stars and planets in comparison will understand it, but infinite knowledge, infinite power and infinite Wise One of the stars in the sky people have and every moment under the control of grasping the measures and the administration sees. Configure this ridge, the Quran: Verily Allah heavens and the earth, lest keeping order distortion. And would it be if one of them fails in order that no one other than itself can not keep them. (Surah Fatir, 35/41). Bashir missile defense system against the development work in spite of the sky will fall on us heavenly missiles can not do anything other than watch. Evidence on the Existence of God in the natural world Not only stars, everything we see around us, with different languages, our Lord tells us. Allah tells us in the blue planet that we live in the most amazing verses plants, animals and humans are. All the partners in the divine seal life, God is showing us through everything. Giving and sustaining life, which is God Hayy and Qayyum. The Quran expresses this truth: He (Allah) through the water for you corn, olives, dates, grapes and other fruits of all finishes. Here in them, there is a sign for a people who think (Surat an-Nahl, 16/11). This verse clearly, plants, water is created by God and for those who say that this one is a great sign. Science, today admitted that the source of life is water, although life has not fully understand what it is. However, life on our planet with every inch of your sıksa the interests of plant or animal. As of 2004, approximately 350 thousand different plant species, botanists have identified the presence ofre there. All these plants, and is non-identical and interchangeable. They all like atoms, elements, molecules and cells showed that they were made of the same, they all have a different shape and is relatively different DNA code shows that they are separate. Plants should not say. A plant that no human can do. If you make a nomenclature based on his work, each green leaf of oxygen and food factory falls more appropriate to say. Each green leaf is doing for millions of years, mankind was able to learn a little bit but in the middle of the last century. Dr. Calvin, a leaf of the many tricks of the one announced for the Nobel Prize was awarded. (8) In other words, for centuries the ongoing efforts as a result, but the most intelligent people a little bit of green grass, what have understood that. Despite this, no that does not make a weed scientist. So, stupid and lazy people like grass, he complimented them, but in fact, we have been insulted grass. Perhaps the Nobel Prize and skillful enough to weed seem to say would be more reasonable! Both say herb plants that degrade servants who sacrificed themselves for us. They produce the oxygen we need to work continuously as necessary, producing food for our body of essential vitamins and proteins as their lives are willing to sacrifice our lives for more. Son of man, forty thousand uses of plants and animals as food. Trees, gorgeous plants grow sustenance us to work like. We reflect on the plants we are unable to fully appreciate their service. Reasons to curtains, fruit trees and vegetables from the garden that we know, we do not know their true value. However, if you make a fruit factory kalkışsak million of them could not afford to! Have plenty of sustenance, not kıymetsizlig, shows the abundance of mercy. Indeed, our most precious food for oxygen, which is free of charge; but it is not worthless. (9) Each plant, each of fruits and vegetables each is a marvelous divine bestow-i,-i-Rahmani is a great gift. For example, a firm core biscuit While manufactured, and you biscuits in addition to the core when the soil cookie tree you will be amazed lo. Im sure it would be headlines in all the newspapers and all television mentions such a tree! Indeed, astonished and thousands of biscuits core-core of fruit and vegetables should be astonished to see the ordinary! Secular and atheistic philosophy of science, which is a miracle in every aspect of the Divine works, nature and reasons behind the curtain sıradanlaştırıyor store. Of people existing in a different way by inserting an extraordinary show of his works. Allah has sent thirty-one times in the last book asks us repeat: What a blessing your Lord do you deny? (Surat ar-Rahman, 55/12, ..). If you head off into our minds wed all realize the value of a blessing none can deny. However, when it referred to the blessings of nature and chance are they all deny. Animal and contains vitamins and proteins that people need, their taste in his mouth, teeth, stomach, hundreds of thousands of plant species appropriate to the mercy of God the most obvious Neve antigen. A sane person, a single apple and even if we find the Lord. Nanotechnology (10) built with apple atoms, molecules and cell size marvelous structure, the owners infinite knowledge, the power and wisdom, as demonstrated by the human eye, teeth, palate and stomach communicating with and alliance, His infinite mercy, compassion and grace shows . A man uses his mind over the action, even from a single apple can find the Lord. Yes, even if only an apple can fully comprehend, the presence of the Lord can comprehend. Again, do not go saying an apple. To make an apple into the live set up a factory in the world the size of cells you need to plant a tree. Even a cell that can not, of course, a tree can not touch the billions of cells. Faraz even if I did it, the sun passes judgment on her kitchen oven can not make a precise measure, of course, the world can not cook apple fruit. To make an apple condition can sort thousands more like it. It stated what Bediuzzaman has stated on the following sayings: An apple to the public (to be created), of course, to the people all the apples in the world and her husband are able to invent the spring (mighty) needs to be. Not invent the spring, you can not invent an apple. Because it apple, it touches on the counter. Who invented an apple, a spring can be invented. An apple from a tree, maybe a garden, perhaps illustrative of a universe-i is musaggar (is a small sample). Both art as her husband trees all date-i-life with apple core as it is a fantastic-I is art (the art is a marvel) that, it just invented nothing, incapable of not. (11) Configure this ridge, the Quran, instead of eating just to fill the stomach, wants us to eat what we eat, thinking how they are made: People look at what youre eating. We have sent down plenty of water. Weve split the land of help. Her grain, grapes and vegetables, olive groves and Hurmalık plenty of tree-lined gardens, finished with fruits and herbs; sustenance for you and for the sake of the animals. (Abes Quran, 80/24 to 32). Evidence of the Existence of God to Animals When we look at our minds and knowledge of each animal using our amazing machine or walking factories can say that. Since the industrial revolution, mankind took from technological tools to produce terrific. A century ago, we can not even imagine television, mobile phone, such as computer equipment, they have become a part of our life. Every day we witnessed a new technological marvels We live in the age. Even secular science, human need and desire the ability to make complicated tools to troubleshoot, accept it as the main element that distinguishes it from animals. Planes, cars, fast trains, skyscrapers, computers are the fruit of this capability. Everyone knows from his own experience, knowledge and power of man-made is the work of even the most basic tools. Appliance becomes complex, requires more knowledge and strength. For example, a wooden toy car, with very little knowledge and force a child to do. However, thousands of children together, even if not the most simple of a motor car. Then our own work with the wonders of technology Lets compare animals. We can see in every aspect of our lives, constantly exhibited in zoos case of television documentaries and ingenuity of the creation of the animals, thinking it might be easier for us to find the Lord. Quran Quran portents in animals with the following verse informs us that: Verily in the heavens and on earth there are signs for the believers. And your creation (Gods) that live on earth in spring, certainly there are portents for a people who believe. (Jathiyya, 45 / 3-4). Indeed, animals are wise to look carefully for signs of God wisely tells us it is not difficult to see. Quran, the unbelievers, by their so-called blind faith, through the eyes opened to the truth, as long as they see these verses and signs mean. Using our minds, with one or two examples of the verses in animals try to read wisely. Scientists who have studied animals about 2 million so far to identify and name the different species of animals have. According to estimates, this figure is equivalent to only 20 percent of the animals. About 10 million are estimated to be separate species. (12) Examine animals that scientists tell us, the most small animals, even as the operation, thousands of our product is our greatest technology degrees are great. In other words, human technological tools and divine technological tools animals than we can say we see a very big difference between them. His high-tech with pride in his book that was sent of God to mankind challenges: O people! (You) has given an example; Listen to it now: besides Allah are begging (TAPs are) even if they come together not create even a fly. Flies cover anything from them, you do not receive it back. The Wishing Well is incapable of self-desired too! (Quran, 22/73). Make a fly, let alone a cell to make it fly even the smallest has not been possible so far. So lets ask the verses of the Quran: Or did they were created without a creator? Or they create themselves? (Surat at-Tur, 52/35). Great body systems of animals for Gods existence, millions of number of species, maybe as indicated by the number of all animals, animals at the benefits and the results testify to Gods wisdom and mercy. The Quran expresses this truth: People in animals is a deterrent for you. In their bellies, with blood coming out of fışkı and easy for drinkers to swallow the feed youre a pure milk. (Surat an-Nahl, 16/66). So, it should not underrate the animals! Girls in the people animals say the animals should see them as vile creature! Animals do their work according to the nomenclature we cows, sheep and goats milk and meat factory chicken eggs and meat factory silkworm to the silk factory , bees also fish factory we say more apposite happens! Indeed, when we consider the other benefits of these animals, even naming this style is lacking. In the above verse, Allah including cows, says that signs of domestic animals. Indeed, to understand the wisdom of veterinary medicine developed as a separate branch of science. Thousands of scientists trying to understand this wisdom so far have not finished it yet, despite. For example, a cow trying to understand how milk is made by Dr. Virtanen, not milk, but how much more milk than cows going to get discovered. Therefore, we gave him the Nobel Prize. (13) Now I ask you, who understands the cow is doing a degree, but not to someone who is awarded the Nobel Prize, an award I wonder how it all got to give a cow? In my opinion, the cows that make each person understands to some extent, have great respect for them. If you want the truth, cow worshiping Hindus (although their swearing though) or less can understand why they worshiped. I think, to see the cow as an ordinary asset, so no wonder cows are worshiped. Bediuzzaman stated the following terse summary of what expressions tell so far, such as: Initially, cows and camels and goats and sheep milk factories, which validated the breast, blood and Fisk in the transmitting and without disturbing them and all in all as opposed sincere, clean, gross, mugaddî (nutritive), pretty, white milk put; and puppy milk rather than against it pleasant, charming, sweet, precious and self-sacrificing compassion in their hearts to leave; Of course, it is a degree of mercy, wisdom, a wisdom, a power and an old man and wants attention; stormy elements of chance and mixers (elements) and the blind forces of any cihetl not work. (14) Human s evidence to the Existence of God Allah states further evidence, perhaps most importantly, is taking place in our inner world. Every man his own creation, and he will find the Lord every day thinking about the blessing. Every single thing in the universe that people see in the evidence Afak, or extrinsic evidence; sees and feels in his person the evidence, Enfuku, ie internal evidence is called. Internal evidence, it is easier to understand, because it is based on personal experience. Unfortunately, many people see the evidence of their existence because of difficulty in thinking. However, the Quran, in many verses draws our attention to a lesson in human creation: And in your creation, and (Gods) that live on earth in spring, certainly there are portents for a people who believe. (Jathiyya, 45/4). At a time when ESAs have the modern technology, the creation of man divine ultrasound observed is described in the Quran as: Then the relevance of sperm (clot) did. Subsequently, do we put a particle into meat; that a particle flesh to the bones (skeleton) have translated; Weve covered the bones with flesh. Then we brought her into another human yaratışl. Most High God, who make the best of it is created. (Quran, the 23/14). Man in the womb of a human being turned into water droplets observed for the first time that scientists have seen miracles have so-called. Interestingly, in this regard, even secular understanding, the documentary, The miracle of life they have to say. (15) The vast majority of people, living in their own life journey, forgetting that this miracle, as it were as if from nowhere, heedless and ungrateful lives in a way. The following verse in the Quran sane people wake up from this negligence is encouraging to see the miracle of his own creation: Is Seeing that person; We have created it after a drop of water, he was kesiliv an outright enemy to us? (Quran, 36/77). A drop of water, but the creation of man infinite knowledge, power and wisdom of the work may be a winner. If a drop of water that claims to the contrary by a person or people by a single cell can prove the claim. The Koran is fourteen centuries nonbelievers challenges in this regard. (16) So far, it can not be given as an answer to the challenge, despite the very advanced technology, it also says he can not answer. This is a holy book of the Koran and Allah is the Creator of all life proves. The miracle of mans creation, as well as immediately after birth, from the breast of her mother mothers milk were offered a separate mercy miracle is. Many of us see it ordinary. Think for a moment, from the breast milk of mothers rather than orange juice What would you do come! For sure, we were amazed, and share with everyone. Im sure the first news television channel has become! However, from the breast of the mother orange juice instead of milk to come, a thousand times more wonderful and is something to be amazed. Scientists have not yet mothers milk to keep the exact location of breastfeeding mothers because they could not find anything theyre recommending. In the case of breast milk, as well as many other things, perhaps everything, in fact, although wonderful and miracles that we see constantly perceive them as an ordinary thing. Mental eye who opened carefully, the veil of mediocrity behind everything by opening acts and their perpetrators can see the miracle. I would like to give an example of internal evidence. Every man over his own body when you think you can see the verse stating that the Lord. Azam our bodies, gorgeous structure and operations, layout and numerous benefits us with wisdom and infinite knowledge, wisdom, mercy and power gives the owner a news. I recently had an incident with you by sharing Let me explain what I mean. In my mouth man-made teeth and other teeth there. Man-made my teeth on the street, I met a man I did not. He graduated from dental school and gained experience in his field for many years a dentist done. Why I did not go to an ordinary person went to a dentist? The answer is simple: finding the most suitable material for the teeth it compatible with my other teeth slid into a mold and then also to place my food, it is not a simple task. Do not come from the hands of everyone. Deep knowledge about teeth and dental instruments whether to place someone who can do this job. Now man-made with teeth other Let us compare the teeth. Which is better? Which is stronger? Which is more perfect? Of course, the other teeth. The most obvious example, if you have healthy teeth, no dentist, teeth, lets get this point, place it in your mouth is not technology wonderful teeth. Now, our minds Lets take our heads: man-made if the teeth is a high science and with power from them, which is perfect in every respect than the other teeth or accidentally self be? Science and deprived of consciousness, ignorant and stupid work of natural forces be? Then, each tooth is not man-made reports on us God. One of the most basic parts of the human body which reports to our Lord to us in this way if the teeth, eyes, nose, hundreds organs such as the brain are telling our God, how well you would like to transfer to your zekâveti. Until the beginning of our article describes what will be summarized here: Our Lord brought the universe into a fabulous book, he wrote it with the words of countless dead and the living entity (with verses) presents itself to us. This book is the meaning of cap-i universe has translated the Quran with Quran and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) ekberl as a teacher-I was taught how to read this book. We, the coincidence of nature and remove the blackened goggles, Setup of the universe has to offer transparent glasses read the book, we can see our Lord in each thing, acts can be observed, we can contemplate their wisdom. It works perfectly with the diagnosis of both unlimited and can love both with infinite blessings.
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 09:27:19 +0000

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