What is Islam? And how we can help them to understand the true God - TopicsExpress


What is Islam? And how we can help them to understand the true God and life everlasting. Muslims who follow the teaching of Islam are second biggest population all over the world. According to a 2010 study, Islam has 1.62 billion adherents, making up over 23% of the world population having 52 Muslim countries. Every day many Muslims are coming as immigrants to West USA for better livings. This is challenge to us who are called by God go and preach Gospel to all nations God is bring people at our home country and God has provided mission work at our door steps. What is Islam? The root “slim” in the Arabic means, to be an integral whole: from this root, Islam meaning “to surrender to Allah and thus to be integral whole” and Muslim, person who surrender. It is an Arabic word, which originally referred to an attribute of manliness and described someone who was heroic and brave in battle. Middle East scholar Dr. M. Bravmann documents in his fascinating work, The Spiritual Background of Early Islam: Islam was originally: A secular concept, denoting a sublime virtue in the eyes of the primitive Arab; defiance of death, heroism to die in the battle. Muslim: A Muslim is a person who has dedicated his worship exclusively to Allah of Quran ...Islam means making ones religion and faith Allahs alone. Allah: Allah” was not something invented by Muhammad or revealed for the first time in the Qu’ran. Muhammad never had to explain who Allah was in the Qu’ran is that his listeners had already heard about Allah long before Muhammad was born. The name of Allah, as the Qu’ran itself is witness, was we known in pre-Islamic Arabia. Indeed, both it and its feminine form. Allat, are found not infrequently among the phosphorus names in inscriptions from North Africa. The word” Allah” comes from the compound Arabic word, al,ilah. Al is the definite article” the” and ilah is an Arabic word for “god.” Allah is purely Arabic term used in reference to an Arabian deity. This is belief introduction of Muslims. Without understanding Islamic ,it is very hard to preach them and tell that Jesus is only Lord and Savior .Here is love of God provided by Him in His Son to everyone God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son whosoever believe in him shall not perish but have everlasting life.( John 3:16). If we read the whole Quran/ its 114 chapters ( Quran has 114 chapters called Suras) we will not find there that God is love and He saves His people Himself. 2. The concept of salvation/everlasting life is not clear as Quran teaches mans self-righteousness. They do not understand the true meaning of sin and its consequences .They always do business with their Allah doing good deeds .when a man does good work and five times prayers, obey Islamic teachings Allah adds righteousness in his record and when he does wrong Allah removes some of his righteousness from his record according to his mistakes. 3- Quranic Allah is faraway and unknown from man and is not covenantal /in relationship with man having covenants to His people. God of the Holy Bible is known God, Muslims believe the mercy of Allah, but they do not know how mercy is functioned in the life of man. We know that the mission of God is to all people groups and the forgiveness of sins for everyone who believes and God calls people into a relationship with him. We need to explain them the Grace and Mercy of the Lord God, in Jesus Christ .That man is sinner and he cannot remove his sins doing good deeds but needs Gods grace and mercy and it is provided to mankind by Himself in His Son Jesus Christ, and the message of John 3:16 is the verdict of Holy the Bible and the entire Gospel comes to focus in this verse. We need to share to Muslims that Gods love is not static or self-centered; it teaches out and draws others in. Here God sets the pattern of true love, the basis of all love relationships---When we love someone dearly, we are willing to give freely to the point of self-sacrifice and God also paid dearly with the life of His Son. The highest price he could pay. Jesus accepted our punishment, paid the price of our sins, and then offered us the new life that he had bought for us .When we share the Gospel to the Muslims or others, our love must be like Jesus ---willingly giving up our own comfort and security so that others might join us in receiving Gods love. Peace and Blessings
Posted on: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 01:10:24 +0000

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