What is Madrasah? How can we measure the place and status of - TopicsExpress


What is Madrasah? How can we measure the place and status of the Madrasah? It is like a workshop where students are turned into good human beings. It trains them to promote ʾIslām. It is like a powerhouse that electrifies not only the Muslim community but the whole of humanity. It trains the hearts and minds of students. Its ambition extends to all aspects of life. It regulates the social order. Society cannot dictate its terms to a Madrasah. It is not specific to any age, culture, language or literature. Accordingly, it is not dated or vulnerable to decline. A Madrasah derives its life and strength from the Prophet’s teachings which are eternally valid and universal. It is therefore linked to the life force itself. The conflict between the old and the new does not affect it, because it is sustained by both the eternal prophetic teachings and the vitality of life itself. The mandate To say that a Madrasah is a relic of the past is deceptive because, as institutions, Madāris are brimming with life and full of strength. Although it has its roots in the teachings of Prophet Muḥammad s, it continues to evolve and to affect various walks of life. Were Madāris to break down, it would seriously harm humanity. The Prophetic teachings will never dry up. Nor will the demands of life come to an end. The Prophet’s teachings are no one’s property; they are there for everyone and satisfy mankind’s need for constant guidance. For these reasons, the Madrasah is the most active and dynamic of institutions. We know that life is full of problems, temptations, aspirations and ambitions. Since the Madrasah is charged with the responsibility of providing guidance to mankind, it cannot shirk this duty. Other individuals and institutions are entitled to some rest but the Madrasah never stops. Other institutions may break for vacations, but Madrasah performs its duty without a break. Since life itself is constantly on the move, the Madrasah has to keep pace with it. There is no room for stagnation or inaction. A Madrasah must regularly review the horizon, issue relevant commands in response to changing circumstances, and boost the morale of the weak. So if this institution were to lag behind or stagnate, who would provide leadership and guidance? Who would deliver the Prophet’s eternal message? Any suspension of activity in a Madrasah amounts to self-destruction and a betrayal of fellow human beings. A conscientious Madrasah cannot afford to neglect its duty. Extract from Aspire by Shaykh Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi , see nadwifoundation.co.uk
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 09:23:48 +0000

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