What is Methamphetamine Psychosis??? With prolonged or heavy - TopicsExpress


What is Methamphetamine Psychosis??? With prolonged or heavy use, an addicts ability to function is reduced. theyre grip on reality suffers. Methamphetamine psychosis is what can happen from prolonged methamphetamine use or Overdose. A person suffering from methamphetamine psychosis has delusions and Hallucinations and goes into a confused psychotic state. At high doses methamphetamine can bring about a Drug-induced psychosis where the user becomes subject to paranoia, confusion, and hallucinations, often resulting in violence. Prolonged methamphetamine use or methamphetamine Addiction can have the same results. The less dangerous effect of methamphetamine psychosis is a confused, disoriented state. Meth users may repeat the same common action over and over again, such as repeatedly washing their hands or arranging and rearranging everyday objects. They may also experience tactile hallucinations where they feel bugs crawling on them, or feel something moving under their skin. But methamphetamine psychosis can also bring about extremely violent, destructive behavior. Users may have frightening visual hallucinations, such as seeing wild animals or armed aggressors coming to attack them. Meth addicts often suffer from paranoia and become convinced they are surrounded by enemies. They often hear voices, which commonly command violent or aggressive behavior, and they can react to their hallucinations with intense aggression. Meth psychosis can commonly last for days after the last does of methamphetamine was taken. In some cases it lasts for weeks or even years. Frightening as these symptoms can be, methamphetamine help is available. It is possible to recover from meth addiction and meth psychosis. The important thing is to seek treatment immediately before further damage is done—before the user’s brain is further damaged and before the methamphetamine induced violence results in serious injury or death. By Paul, Breaking Chains: Chronicles of a Meth Addict
Posted on: Sat, 02 Nov 2013 20:50:46 +0000

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