What is Network Marketing? What is network marketing? Have - TopicsExpress


What is Network Marketing? What is network marketing? Have you been frustrated with questions about network marketing? Do you feel stuck and do not know how to respond when asked what network marketing is? Do you lack enough knowledge to tell individuals about network marketing? Are you overwhelmed by the number of individuals who do not know what network marketing is? Well, if you talk to different people you will get two different responses typically about network marketing. PURPOSE Difference of Opinions If you talk to someone who owns a network marketing business, had a good mentor/up-line, learned how to run the business, applied the knowledge and went on to build a successful business that paid them a solid six-figure, even multiple six-figure annual income they will tell you that Network marketing is phenomenal. If you talk to someone who owned a few different network marketing companies over the years but never really got in “did the work” required to build a business they might say something like Network marketing does not work. The only people who get in first are the ones who make really big money. Now, who would you say is correct? If you think for a moment neither scenario answered the question “What is network marketing?” DIRECTED What is Network Marketing? I will explain in a bit, but before I do I want you to think about something. Do you realize that those individuals who are wealthy do not work for someone else? Do you realize that those same individuals who have elaborate lifestyles build successful businesses? Well, if you did not realize those two things you may not realize the benefits of working for yourself and building a successful business. Some of the benefits of ownership are: You can select the people you work with. You can choose the hours that you work and how much you work. You can work from the comfort of your own home if you desire. You can give yourself an IMMEDIATE raise through tax savings. You have the chance to literally set yourself financially FREE. Just like those aforementioned benefits, YOU can decide to investigate joining a network marketing company because of the relative low cost of acquisition and all the training and support you receive. But what are you really getting yourself into? What is network marketing, exactly? Here’s the deal… When you join a network marketing company you are “signing up” to represent that company’s product and services and business opportunity. You become a representative or a franchisee of that company. You “sign up” by making a small investment (usually $200 to $2000) and by completing an Independent Distributor agreement. You are not an employee of the company but, rather, you are paying to purchase a franchise and to represent the company as an independent contractor, business owner, dealer, representative or consultant. You are awarded a commission based upon the volume of product/services sold through your own sales efforts as well as that of your down-line (other individuals who are representatives of the company who signed after you) organization. In other words, to make money you need to personally sell a product/service AND teach your team to sell that same product/service which is known as duplication because you earn commissions on the AMOUNT of products/services that moves through your new business. What is Network Marketing? Think Franchise! You heard me mention you being a franchisee; well that is what I want you to think of network marketing as owning a franchise. Consider an international restaurant, insurance company, etc. You may know of a popular international fast food corporation that has restaurants all over the world. This corporation may have thousands of restaurants that serve millions of individuals in hundreds of countries every single day. This same company may have over 80% of its restaurants owned and operated by independent business owners or contractors. So the corporation itself may only own approximately 20% of the restaurants that are available. Now think of this, if you owned the corporation, you not only would earn money by selling your food from the 20% of the restaurants YOU personally own and operate… but, you also earn a tiny percentage on all the sales made by the entire organization including the other 80% you do not own or operate. Just like the restaurant scenario you are now earning a LEVERAGED income generated by the time, talent and energy expended by the other business owners on your team. Here’s another way to look at it… Let’s suppose you earn a $100 commission for selling a particular product/service and it takes you two hours of “work” to make a sale. Break that down and your time is worth $50 per hour. Put in a full 40 hour work week and you pocket a nice $2,000. Let’s suppose you have spent some time “recruiting” a few people to join your team who also want the chance to earn $100 per sale and you earn a nice $10 check for every sale THEY make. Over time you have built a team of 100 people. They each make 20 sales per week – independent of your time and effort. YOU = 40 hours, 20 sales, $2,000 TEAM = 4000 hours, 2,000 sales @ $10 each = you get $20,000 Wow, incredible? Network marketing is you getting paid on the time and effort of other people. This is leveraged income versus linear income. Linear income is you put in 8 hours you get paid for 8 hours at whatever rate you were able to negotiate. No more no less. But the interesting thing in this scenario is that each individual has the same opportunity to build its business to 100 people or more and earn the same $20,000 oppose to just the $2,000 that you did. J. Paul Getty said it best “I’d rather have 1% of the efforts of 100 people than 100% of my own efforts. This my friend is probably the best way to explain “What Network Marketing is.” What is Network Marketing? The Real Scoop The best explanation that I have ever heard was in Robert Kiyosaki’s book entitled The Business School For People Who Like Helping People. But the real scoop may not be what you want to hear but the only way you become a top earner, build a successful network marketing business and have a life of freedom is to first be willing. It is not negotiable, you MUST be willing to Master the art and science of Marketing, Leadership and Sales. These elements are essential to the growth of a network marketing business because it is a form of direct sales. You will not earn a dollar if you have not sold a product or service. Truthfully, there is no business that that is not true for. You have to master those three elements if you owned a clothing store, restaurant or a network marketing BUSINESS. Did you notice I placed emphasis on the word business? Yes, network marketing is a business just like any other. SUCCESS A major component is to first join a company. After you have joined, you need to locate those that are living the lifestyle and making the type of income that you aspire to obtain. Find out what they did to get there and glean from their knowledge and expertise. Here is the rub, once you have found out what they did you just simply have to be willing to DO the same. Doing what successful people have done to get the results that they have will require you to be open-minded to educating yourself. Learning is vital. You will have to learn new skillsets and this type of growth and success will take you out of your comfort-zone which is good because you want to enter into a lifestyle that you have never had before. That in itself is different so you should be different when you get there. So what is network marketing? Here it is: Network marketing is a single, radical decision Network marketing is a choice for a new career and a profession. Network marketing is a journey that can lead to fame, fortune and time freedom. Network marketing is a self-transforming dynamic Network marketing is a leadership development platform. Network marking is fun, fast and exciting. Network marketing is a proven “million dollar” business model. Have PURPOSE DIRECTED SUCCESS today! Please share and comment if you got value! Abundant Blessings Always Did This Blog Help You? If so, I would greatly appreciate if you commented below and shared on Facebook PS: If you travel AT ALL (cruises, hotels, rental cars, flights), are you still OK with paying full retail? Save Money with our VIP Vacation Club! If you enjoyed this post about MLM Tips: The Importance of Being Persistently Consistent, retweet and comment please Stop hitting your head on the wall and struggling in your Network Marketing business. There’s an easier way. Make the Decision, Right Now, that you’re going to do what it takes to succeed. - Click Here For Instant Access You can have PURPOSE DIRECTED SUCCESS in your business today. Did This Blog Help You? Did it add value to what you are doing? If so, I would greatly appreciate if you commented below. Email: wharper@cwilliamharper “Show Network Marketers How to Recruit More Reps, Get More Leads and Become a Top Earner in your Network Marketing business.” If you enjoyed this post about being kind, retweet and comment please. 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Posted on: Wed, 11 Sep 2013 01:27:56 +0000

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