What is One Spark? One Spark is a event for Creators. From - TopicsExpress


What is One Spark? One Spark is a event for Creators. From April 7 - 12, 2015, artists, entrepreneurs and innovators will display Projects in a 20-square-block, multi-venue gallery in downtown Jacksonville, Florida. One Spark is about connecting people with great ideas to the resources they need to make them a reality. It’s the community behind great ideas. It’s your chance to submit and decide on the next big thing. It’s the opportunity to get involved, be inspired, connect and collaborate. Open to All: Ready for market? Prototype? Napkin sketch? Creator Projects can be at any stage of development. One Spark is all about taking things to the next level and providing the catalyst for action! Grassroots & Independent: One Spark is built on the premise that great creations can come from garages, small studios and dorm rooms and that the only thing holding them back is access to funding and resources. The selection process for One Spark is completely independent. Venue Curators select which Creators showcase in their spaces and attendees decide who gets funded. Get Funded: Showcasing at One Spark gives you access to $350,000 in guaranteed crowdfunds and cash awards, unlimited individual contributions, and millions in potential capital from private investors. See and Be Seen: One Spark provides the perfect platform to put your idea in front of thousands of people, validate it and receive valuable feedback. As an attendee, you have the opportunity to witness the latest innovations and the power to make them a reality! See more at: https://beonespark/jacksonville/about#sthash.qp9vTfZD.dpuf
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 11:00:00 +0000

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