What is PISS? When U take a 9hr jorney 2 c a guy U met online n - TopicsExpress


What is PISS? When U take a 9hr jorney 2 c a guy U met online n on getting there, his phone is switchd off! U r PISSED! After trying his line several hrs n still off, U felt U should check into a hotel; On gettin there, U discoverd ur wallet containing all ur money has been stolen. U r SO PISSED! U dropped ur bag @ d reception, ran 2 a nearby bank 2 withdraw with your atm card. On getting there, ATM traps ur card. Angrily, U went straight into d bank 2 complain n they tell U 2 come 4 ur card in a week time. Honestly U r HELL PISSED! On ur way back 2 the hotel with absolute rage, U received an alert; 50k has been deducted frm ur account some minutes ago. OMG! U r BADLY PISSED! Stil lost in rage, U got 2 d hotel only to find out ur bag is no more. U asked d receptionist, he points 2 an inscription on d notice board 2 U wich reads bags kept @ owners risk. Ooh what a pity! U r DAMN PISSED! In d bid 2 make trouble, he calls d security 2 lock U up. oh! Who will bail U now? U r PISSED! INFACT, U DON PISS 4 BODY!
Posted on: Fri, 29 Nov 2013 18:20:50 +0000

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