What is Philosophy? Quite literally, the term philosophy means, - TopicsExpress


What is Philosophy? Quite literally, the term philosophy means, love of wisdom. The Branches of Philosophy: Metaphysics, Epistemology, Politics, Ethics, and Aesthetics. The Philosophy of Metaphysics - the study of the true nature of reality - forms the basis from which we perceive and give meaning to our world. As such, how we understand metaphysics forms the foundation for all other philosophical studies, and how we apply our resulting belief systems to our lives. Epistemology: (aka Theory of Knowledge). In everyday life, becoming aware of the true nature of knowledge and belief, and how these thought systems affect us emotionally and behaviorally, is critical to achieving personal empowerment and even basic needs such as physical and emotional health and well being. Theory of Knowledge: If Metaphysics is the study of the true nature of reality, then understanding the true nature of knowledge and belief is critical. What is knowledge? What is belief? And how do the thoughts and feelings that create them shape our lives? Ontology: The Search for the Unifying Substance of All That Exists. The search for a unifying principle that could explain how the Universe came into existence and our place in it, has motivated some of the greatest thinkers, philosophers, and scientists throughout human history and in our own time. Theosophy: The study of Theosophy can provide valuable insight into the metaphysical aspects of religion and spirituality. By remaining free of dogma and blind faith, theosophical exploration into the true nature of God or Spirit continues to evolve, allowing science and new technologies to play a role in the ongoing discovery of the true nature of the Universe, and how we choose to live our lives in it. Anthroposophy: Rudolph Steiners scientific exploration into the spiritual nature of man has led to the development of many practical disciplines, including Waldorf Education, Biodynamic Agriculture, Bio-architecture, Complimentary Medicine, Eurythmy (a form of therapeutic dance), and Socially Responsible Investing. Agnosticism: While one may experience gnosis and cannot understand why another does not see the truth, and another is agnostic and honestly claims to not know, perhaps it is wise and best to simply acknowledge that both possibilities do in fact exist - side by side. Philosophy of Mind: Exploring the Metaphysics of Mind. As humans we have access to multiple levels of perception, including conscious and subconscious, intuitive, and spiritual. A complete, accurate and useful philosophy of Mind would not be possible without the application of ALL levels of perception, and a thorough integration of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual observations and results.
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 01:50:43 +0000

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