What is Race? what is Racism? and what is Nationality? is there - TopicsExpress


What is Race? what is Racism? and what is Nationality? is there truly a such thing as Black or White people? if not then what do they mean and where do these terms come from? Well, Black including white have no language, flag, King, Land, government, nor Empire. which means neither are Nationalities. Black is an Adjective which means Black describes a noun. an Adjective does NOT describe people. There is only one Human race. So why use the term racism when we are not different races? unless.... you are actually implying you are not in the Human race. Think about it, wouldnt this explain the reason why Blacks use Civil Rights opposed to Human Rights? why Blacks are treated unequally and the Dred Scott v. Sandford case [Blacks can not be U.S. Citizens] These tools/Terms/Labels are used for classifications and are political statuses that only exist in north America describing Chattel/Slaves/Entities/Person(s) Black (n.) Old English blæc the color black, also ink, from noun use of black (adj.). From late 14c. as dark spot in the pupil of the eye. The meaning black person, African is from 1620s (perhaps late 13c., and blackamoor is from 1540s). To be in the black (1922) is from the accounting practice of recording credits and balances in black ink. etymonline/index.php?allowed_in_frame=0&search=Black&searchmode=none Blackamoor (n.) dark-skinned person, 1540s, from black (adj.) + Moor, with connecting element. etymonline/index.php?allowed_in_frame=0&search=Black+a+moor&searchmode=none Moro Muslim Malay of the Philippines, 1886, from Spanish Moro, literally Moor (see Moor). Maurice masc. proper name, from French Maurice, from Late Latin Mauritius, from Latin Maurus inhabitant of Mauretania, Moor (see Moor). Moor (n.) North African, Berber, late 14c., from Old French More, from Medieval Latin Morus, from Latin Maurus inhabitant of Mauritania (northwest Africa, a region now corresponding to northern Algeria and Morocco), from Greek Mauros, perhaps a native name, or else cognate with mauros black (but this adjective only appears in late Greek and may as well be from the peoples name as the reverse). Being a dark people in relation to Europeans, their name in the Middle Ages was a synonym for Negro; later (16c.-17c.) used indiscriminately of Muslims (Persians, Arabs, etc.) but especially those in India. We are Moors not Black. Racism is a William lynch tactic to keep you out of the Human Family.
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 17:49:11 +0000

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