What is Repentance? For starters it is more than words. It is an - TopicsExpress


What is Repentance? For starters it is more than words. It is an action of turning away from. See detailed definition below (definition is included for all those who desire more clarity on this topic). Repentance is the activity of reviewing ones actions and feeling contrition or regret for past wrongs. It involves a commitment to personal change and resolving to live a more responsible and humane life. The practice of repentance plays an important role in the soteriological doctrines of the worlds major religions where it is considered necessary for the attainment of salvation. In religious contexts it often involves an act of confession . This typically includes an admission of guilt, a promise or resolve not to repeat the offense; an attempt to make restitution for the wrong, or in some way to reverse the harmful effects of the wrong where possible. Within a secular context repentance may form part of the process of psychological healing that takes place during a course of psychotherapy. The doctrine of repentance as taught in the Bible is a call to persons to make a radical turn from one way of life to another. The repentance (metanoia) called for throughout the Bible is a summons to a personal, absolute and ultimate unconditional surrender to God as Sovereign. Though it includes sorrow and regret, it is more than that. It is a call to conversion from self-love, self-trust, and self-assertion to obedient trust and self-commitment to God.[2] It is a change of mind that involves a conscious turning away from wrong actions, attitudes and thoughts that conflict with a Godly lifestyle and biblical commands, and an intentional turning toward doing that which the Bible says pleases God. In repenting, one makes a complete change of direction (180° turn) toward God. The words repent, repentance, and repented are mentioned over 100 times in the Bible.[2] Repentance typically includes an admission of guilt for committing a wrong or for omission of doing the right thing; a promise or resolve not to repeat the offense; an attempt to make restitution for the wrong, or in some way to reverse the harmful effects of the wrong or the omission where possible. Ezekiel 14:6 says, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Repent, and turn yourselves from your idols; and turn away your faces from all your abominations. When one changes ones mind about sin, a change in behavior will naturally result. For example, those who repented of their sins in the Old Testament often showed outward evidence by tearing down idolatrous statues.[2Kings 11:18] In the New Testament, one of many examples of repentance in the New Testament can be found in the parable of the prodigal son found in Luke 15:11ff. Other instances of repentance included water baptism, restitution, and the burning of occultic possessions. Additional Comments are welcome from the men and women of God who minister and teach the word.
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 07:40:58 +0000

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