What is STOP THE BDS? An international organization dedicated - TopicsExpress


What is STOP THE BDS? An international organization dedicated to fighting one-sided attacks against Israel, the only democracy in the Middle-East . The BDS movement spreads lies about Israel, by making the false and outrageous comparison between her and Apartheid South Africa, and assists those who wish to replace Israel with an Islamist, genocidal terror state, by calling for Boycott, Sanctions, and Divestment (BDS) against Israel. We counter their treacherous attempts. We have groups in the United States, Canada, the U.K, Europe, South Africa, Australia, South America and Israel and multiple admins around the world, from across the political spectrum. As South Africa is ground-zero in this battle, due to the now international Israel Apartheid Week and was the virtual launching ground of BDS, at the infamous 2001 Durban conference, we focus a lot of our activity on fighting BDS at its South African source, and winning the hearts of the majority of South Africans who are potentially great allies and supporters of Israel- IF South Africans rejects this false and insulting comparison, which minimizes the very real suffering and dehumanization that ever non-white South African was exposed to during Apartheid, the Israel Apartheid lie will die at its roots. At the same time, we focus on the insidious take-over of American campuses by Saudi-sponsored professors and departments, which is poisoning much of the younger liberal generation of Americans against the free world and numbing them to the global Jihadist threat. We focus on the European labelling of Israeli products and on legally preventing stores from removing Israeli products wherever they are considering doing so due to BDS pressure. We strive to fight anti-semitism wherever it rears its ugly head, and oppose hate-speach and racism of any kind. We are not against Muslims- in fact, many Muslims, like Azeris and Kurds, are great friends and allies of Israel - we ARE against Islamists- that is people who seek to impose Islamist law on other people by force. We have nothing against Palestinians who want to live in peace with Israel, but are against those who aim for its destruction. Join us in our fight for a free world!
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 21:36:28 +0000

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