What is Science? “All Science is divine. Human thought never - TopicsExpress


What is Science? “All Science is divine. Human thought never projected the least portion of true being. Human belief has sought and interpreted in its own way the echo of Spirit, and so seems to have reversed it and repeated it materially; but the human mind never produced a real tone nor sent forth a positive sound.” (126:8–14) “There is no physical science, inasmuch as all truth proceeds from the divine Mind. Therefore truth is not human, and is not a law of matter, for matter is not a lawgiver. Science is an emanation of divine Mind, and is alone able to in terpret God aright. It has a spiritual, and not a material origin. It is a divi ne utterance,—the Co mforter which leadeth into all truth.” (127:23–29) “Adhesion, cohesion, and attraction are properties of Mind. They belong to divine Principle, and support the equipoise of that thought -force, which launched the earth in its orbit and said to the proud wave, ‘Thus far and no farther.”’ (124:20–24) “The term Science, properly understood, refers only to the laws of God a nd to His government of the universe, inclusiv e of man.” (128:4–6) “Science relates to Mind, not matte r. It rests on fixed Principl e and not upon the judgment of false sensation.” (128:27–28) What is physical science? “Physical science (so-called) is human knowle dge,—a law of mortal mind, a blind belief, a Samson shorn of his strength. When this human belief lacks organizations to support it, its foundations are gone. Having neither moral might, sp iritual basis, nor holy Principle of its own, this belief mistakes effect for cause and seeks to find life and intelligence in matter, thus limiting Life and holding fast to discord and death. In a word, human be lief is a blind conclusion from The Science of Being: the emergence of a divine philosophy — Tape code J-6 © 1989, 2006 Kappeler Institute for the Scie nce of Being, USA, PO Box 99735, Seat tle, WA 98139-0735. All rights reserved. 21 material reasoning. This is a mortal, finite se nse of things, which im mortal Spirit silences forever. The universe, like man, is to be interpreted by Scie nce from its divine Principle, God, and then it can be understood; but when explained on the basi s of physical sense and represented as subject to growth, maturity, and decay, th e universe, like man, is, and must continue to be, an enigma.” (124:3–19) “Christian Science eschews what is called natural science, in so far as this is built on the false hypotheses that matter is its own lawgiver, that law is founded on material conditions, and that these are final and overrule the mi ght of divine Mi nd.” (127:30–128:2) “All other systems—systems based wholly or pa rtly on knowledge gained through the material senses—are reeds shaken by the wind, not houses built on the rock.” (269:26–28) What impact does Science have on physical science or the scientists “Through Christian Science, religion and medicine are inspired with a diviner nature and essence; fresh pinions are given to faith a nd understanding, and thought s acquaint themselves intelligently with God.” (107:10–14) “From this it follows that business men and cu ltured scholars have found that Christian Science enhances their endurance and ment al powers, enlarges their perception of character, gives them acuteness and comprehensiveness and an ability to exceed their ordinary capacity. The human mind, imbued with this spiritual understanding, b ecomes more elastic, is capable of greater endurance, escapes somewhat from itself, and re quires less repose. A knowledge of the Science of being develops the latent ab ilities and possibilities of man. It extends the atmosphere of thought, giving mortals access to broader and higher re alms. It raises the th inker into his native air of insight and perspicacity.” (128:6–19) “In the material world, thought has brought to light with great rapidity many useful wonders. With like activity have thought’s sw ift pinions been rising towards the realm of the real, to the spiritual cause of those lower thi ngs which give impulse to inquiry. Belief in a material basis, from which may be deduced all ratio nality, is slowly yielding to the idea of a metaphysical basis, looking away from matter to Mind as th e cause of every effect.” (268:1–9) The goal of Science? “Mind is All and matter is naught as the leading factor in Mi nd-science.” (109:2–3) “In the third degree mortal mind disappears, a nd man as God’s image appears. Science so reverses the evidence before the corporeal human senses, as to make this Scriptural testimony true in our hearts, ‘The last shall be first, and the first last,’ so that God and His idea may be to us what divinity really is and must of necessity be,—all-inclusive.” (116:4–10) “The vital part, the heart and soul of Christian Science, is Love.” (113:5–6)
Posted on: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 23:55:25 +0000

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