What is Skinny Fiber Skinny Fiber is a an all natural - TopicsExpress


What is Skinny Fiber Skinny Fiber is a an all natural nutritional weight loss supplement with 3 plant ingredients and a digestive enzyme blend with no stimulants to make you jittery! You take 2 Skinny Fiber capsules with a full glass of water 30-60 minutes prior to your 2 largest meals. Skinny Fiber Pills works to assist in weight loss in 3 different ways. The first way is to suppress your appetite. The pills expand to 50 times their original size which allows your stomach to feel full so you eat less. The second way is it actually blocks fat absorption. It keeps new fat from forming so your body can burn the existing fat. The final way Skinny Fiber Pills work is by stimulating your metabolism. This helps you burn calories much faster and more efficiently. Because of its ingredients, it also helps cleanse your body of its toxins, flattens your stomach, and helps to eliminate cravings. Skinny Fiber is $59.95 for a full month supply (120 capsules). We offer a buy 2 get 1 FREE for $119.85, and a buy 3 get 3 FREE for $179.70.Skinny Body Care offers a 30 day empty bottle money back guarantee. Skinny Fiber is not like any other weight loss product--no caffeine or other stimulants. No chemicals that can cause side effects. SF first starts working on the issues that are slowing the metabolism down, by correcting the body naturally and preparing it for weight loss--that is done by the detox that takes place in the first few days or even weeks. Few in detox may see bloating ,slight head ache or other mild detox effects.... this is temporary and passes in a week or so. The more off balance the body is, the longer it will take to see weight loss. Have had several that said they began to notice the weight or inch loss at the very end of the first bottle--- even a bit longer---depending on how toxic they may be---the meds they take and the way they eat. Some do not even change their diets----SF will do that for ya by cutting the cravings and the portions a person eats! Some do not even exercise ~ Each of us is different~~ Only way to know is to try it risk free!-that is why we have the 30 day empty bottle guarantee!!! No other company lets ya try something or free! Skinny Fiber Benefits: Block 20-30% of all calories eaten from being absorbed by the body Help your body absorb vitamins and minerals Suppress appetite and help you eat less while still feeling satisfied - it expands 50 TIMES its size in your belly when you drink your water! Block the absorption of fat from the foods you eat Burn fat and Boost metabolism naturally - NO JITTERY FEELING...EVER! Flush fat from the colon wall Remove parasites from the intestines (this is often times a cause of weight gain that people never think about!) In addition, people are experiencing other wonderful side effects including: Decreased cellulite Clearer skin Reduced cholesterol - people are coming off of cholesterol medication! Lower blood pressure - no more blood pressure pills for several customers! Stabilized blood sugar - people who were diabetic no longer need any medication! Decreased or stopped symptoms of IBS Reduced hot flashes Reduced and sometimes eliminated migraines Better sleep at night Reduced or eliminated cravings of carbs, chocolate and salty foods
Posted on: Thu, 03 Jul 2014 06:21:16 +0000

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