What is THE ONLY THING THAT MATTERS? Follow the search for that - TopicsExpress


What is THE ONLY THING THAT MATTERS? Follow the search for that answer here... (Book Excerpt #37…Note: This picks up where the last excerpt left off. For purposes of continuity, daily reading will prove very helpful.) On this hike your Soul is leading the way for good reason. It has already been to the mountaintop, so it knows how to get back—and its way is the fastest way. In fact, your Soul is at the mountaintop now. That’s right. The Soul is not really “going” anywhere. It already is where the Body and the Mind seek to go. The Soul, like God, is—already and always—Whole, Complete, and Perfect. It requires and needs nothing. It simply chooses to know itself in its own experience. In this, it is exactly like God. In fact, it is God, individualized. The Totality of You—that is, your Body, Mind, and Soul combined—is thus both the journeyer and the destination. Part of It is journeying, and part of It is already where It is going. The purpose of the Journey is for the Totality of You to be able to experience what the part of you called your Soul already knows of you. By dividing your Self into three parts, you can both know and experience at the same time your true identity over and over again—your Body and your Mind assuming different forms from lifetime to lifetime, even as your Soul retains eternally its original and only form. The purpose of the Body and the Mind taking different forms is to provide the Soul with endless differing expressions through which it can experience cyclical reunification with God, even as the Body and the Mind experience repeated reunifications with the Soul. What the Soul is doing at the macro level, the Body and the Mind are doing at the micro level. It is all the Same Journey, taken by every Life Form, each in its own way, across the cosmos. On your journey, the Soul is technically not leading you to your destination; it is calling you there. The Soul is going to keep showing the way and, by cutting through the thicket from the other end as it connects with your Mind and Body, creating the way. But, as mentioned, it will never insist that you take the way. This is because your Soul knows that there is more than one way to the mountaintop, and that there is no “right way” to get there. There may be some ways that are faster than others, but “faster” doesnt mean “right.” It simply means “faster.” ================================== ================================== Visit this site: goo.gl/gFAsm to find out more. (NOTE from NDW SUPPORT: Neale considers THE ONLY THING THAT MATTERS (just released from Hay House) to be his most important book to emerge from Gods inspiration since Conversations with God. Neales dream is that everyone could read every word thats in this text. He is therefore posting the entire book, line-by-line, here on Facebook, in daily excerpts. He hopes that you will find the book as beneficial as he has.)
Posted on: Wed, 11 Jun 2014 13:00:01 +0000

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