What is TRUTH?.....Review on to the truth behind the MARTYRDOM OF - TopicsExpress


What is TRUTH?.....Review on to the truth behind the MARTYRDOM OF HAZRAT IMAM HUSSAIN (a.s)..........(Must read) Its a historical fact that Qatly-e- Hussain is base on the refusal of so called Khilafat of Yazeed . Due to the refusal of so called Khilafat, Imam Hussain was surrounded among a lot of miseries and calamities, and the holy blood of Imam Hussian was spread all over the burning desert of Karbala. When Mawiyah started a move for getting favor for the Khilafat of Yazeed , for this he used all possible means of this government. Therefore, five people who refused to accept this so- called Khilafat were Imam Hussain, Abdullah Ibn-e -Zubair, Abdullah Ibn-e-Abbas, Abdul Rahman Ibn-e-Abi-Bakar and Abdullah Ibn-e-Umar. Imam Hussain was the prominent figure among these. After the death of Mawiyah, Yazeed sent a letter to the governor of Madina Waleed Ibn-e-Utba in which he informed him about the death of his father Mawiyah and with that letter he sent separate paper on which he ordered him to take the Beyyat from Imam Hussain and other four people. Waleed though was from Bani Umaiyyah yet he was not so cruel and he did not want to put undue pressure on Imam Hussain. Marwan suggested him to take the Beyyat from Imam Hussain even by force and on refusal he must be resulted to death, but Waleed did not accept his suggestion, at the same time Waleed called Imam Hussain and gave him the massage of Yazeed. There was no doubt that if Imam Hussain had not left the Madina it was just possible that under pressure, Waleed could have committed the same what Umar Ibn-e-Saad did under the pressure of Ibn-e-Ziyyad or Waleed could has been replaced by some other cruel governor who could shed the blood of Imam Hussain in the holy city of Madina. ( Tibri - Vol-6, Page 188 - 206 ) Imam Hussain reached the holy city of Makkah and after few day Imam A.S. sent Hazrat Muslim bin Aqeel to kufa to know the exact situation of Kufa. As the people of Kufa were very much angry with the Government of Yazeed so they welcomed the arrival of Hazrat Muslim in Kufa. The Governor of Kufa Numaan bin Basher was peaceful man so he did not resist to the presence of Hazrat Muslim. The spies of Yazeed informed him that Muslim bin Aqeel is in Kufa and is taking the Beyyat on behalf of Imam Hussain, if you want to stop the fall of Kufa into the hands of Muslim you must appoint some strong governor over here who could prevent the fall of Kufa. On the receipt of this information from Kufa , Yazeed consulted, Sarjon (the former consultant of his father). Sarjon handed over him the last order of his father ( Mawiya ) in which he was asked to appoint Obaidullah Ibn-e-Ziyyad as a Governor of Kufa. He immediately wrote the letter to Ibn-e-Zayyad (who was in Basra ) to take over as a Governor of Kufa and to stop the revote of Kufa against him with force. ( Tibri - Vol-6, Page- 99-200 ) Finally Imam Hussain A.S. reached Karbala on the 2nd. of Muharram 61. Hijri. Umer Ibn-e-Saad on the order of Ibn-e-Ziyyad also reached Karbala. Imam Hussain A.S. was surrounded by the forces of Umer Ibn-e-Saad. On the 7th.of Muharram the water was stopped for Imam Hussain and his followers and ultimately on the 10th of Muharram 61 H.J. the holy blood of Imam Hussain and his follower including his brothers and children was shed all over the burning dissert of Karbala. Now for a while think over the following questions . 1.Why Imam Hussain A.S. migrated from the holy city of Madina ? 2.Why Obaidullah Ibn-e- Ziyyad was pointed as a Governor of Kufa ? 3.What was the demand of Ibn-e-Ziyyad from Imam Hussain , on the refusal of that the holy blood of Imam Hussain and all his companions was shed over the dissert of Karbala. Reply to the above questions is ............. Refusal to the Khilafa of Yazeed . So in the light of above historical facts we reached to the conclusion that the reason of Qatl-e-Hussain was due to the Refusal of Khilafat of Yazeed. It is recognized fact that in the shia school of thought not only the khilafat of Yazeed but even the Khilafat of his forefathers does not get a place. Shia ideology has rejected that whole series of Khilafat whose fifth or sixth is Yazeed. They were black spot for Islam but to deceive the Muslim masses they were putting a light curtain of Islam on their faces to hide their ugly faces, they are still alive. Lets pray for the Reappearance of HAZRAT IMAM MAHDI (a.j.f) the 12 successor of PROPHET MUHAMMED (s.a.w.w).
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 10:06:46 +0000

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