What is a Witch When ever most people hear the word Witch it - TopicsExpress


What is a Witch When ever most people hear the word Witch it conjur uo images of old hag with pointed hats, long noses with warts, poisin apples and evil. Unfortunately. this image is continually promoted by the media, story books, religious and educational institutions. And because of misinformation, mostpeople believe this erroneous image. What is a Witch then, A Witch is a follower of a very ancient philosophy. This philosophy traces its beginnings back approximately 45,000 years ago, predating any Western religion. It is a philosophy of attunement and harmony with nature. Witchcraft is a Pagan, (literally meaning close to the earth) philosophy/religon. The word Witch comes from Anglo-Saxon word, Wicca, which means wise one. This word is the root for our present terms wisdom and wizard. The Wicca were the people that lived outside of the town and villages who were closely aligned with nature. The Wicca were healers, doctors and midwives. They had knowledge of herbs and there therapeutic and magical properties. The Wicca were the psychologist, fot the towns people would come to them with their problems. Also, the Wicca were in many instances, the clergy for they would be called upon to be spiritual leaders and advisers. A Witch is a wise person; They are people who have knowledge of nature, and use the ebbs and flows of this knowledge wisely. A true Witch will always seek harmony and attunement with every aspect of nature. Witchcraft is the Craft of the Wise, This is the term applied to the philsosphy of the Wicca. Witch craft is a system of attunening ones self to nature and using that attunement constructively and for the good of all. Witches are not Atheist, we believe in a God. The difference is, The Witch God is a duality of a God and aGoddess. The idea of diety is similar to the Yin and Yang of the Orient. The Witch believes this duality exists through our nature as female and male. That creation of all life can only proceed from and be understood through this duality. Wiches do not curse or hurt people. Witches are not Satanist. Since we Witches are personally responsible for our life experence, the belief in karma is strong. What ever we do comes back three times stronger. So what is a Witch? A Witch is a man or woman, who honors nature and who believes in both a God and Goddess. A Witch is a person with deep respect and knowledge of nature who can heal and councel others when needed. A Witch is a person who believes that she/he is solely responsible for their life choices and actions. A Witch is a person who believes in never harming anyone or anything in any way. A Witch is a person who will always wish you the best on whatever path you follow. SOME MANIFESTING FACTS . . . . For the most part, experience is all that you can manifest. True manifesting, also known as the manifesting principle, begins with the desire that exists before physical wanting or yearning is born. It begins with the eternal self that sees through the eyes rather with the eyes. This permanent Self will continue to be present before, beyond, and after all of the Is that exist within you now. Your true (permanent) self already understands all of the principles of manifestation, and when your personality (identity) and your True Self are aligned, manifesting takes place with grace and ease. When these two are not aligned, you wonder shy manifesting is not working or it works for others and not for you. True manifesting takes place within the paradigm of pure creativity, which is a reflection of consciousness. Consciousness relates to time but is not dependent upon it. Manifesting works through desire. It is hindered by needs and wants. Desire asks you to maintain a creative stance in your life, to act rather than react and to remain in or return to the manifesting principle within yourself as often as necessary. A SOUL IS A UNIT OF CREATIVE CONSCIOUSNESS WITHIN THE MIND OF GOD; IT IS AN ART FORM THAT MARVELS AT THE HAND THAT CREATED IT!
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 05:06:09 +0000

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