What is a real friend ? ****************************** THE - TopicsExpress


What is a real friend ? ****************************** THE December 25, 2010 , a 42 year old woman in Britain published a suicide note on a popular social network . The note was a desperate cry for help . Although he had in his contact list over a thousand friends , none of them went to help . Police found his body the next day. He had died of an overdose. Modern technology allows us to make hundreds or even thousands of friends on social networks . Simply add your name to our list of contacts. And when we finish one of those friends , simply delete it from the list. However, the unfortunate incident mentioned in the introduction highlights a harsh reality : few people have real friends. In fact , a recent survey revealed that although today people socialize more , the number of close friends has fallen. Surely think, like most people , it is important to have good friends and be a friend means more than a few clicks on the screen of a computer or a smartphone. What do you look for in a friend? How can you be a good friend ? What is needed for a lasting friendship ? Consider four biblical principles that will help you be the kind of friend that others would have. 1. Show that really cares for others Friendship requires dedication . In other words , a good friend is one who truly cares for one. But the feeling must be mutual ; effort and sacrifice of both parties is required. Still, worth it. Ask yourself, Am I willing to give of myself , my time and my resources to my friends? . Remember to get a good friend, one must first be a good friend. LOOKING FOR PEOPLE IN A FRIEND ? Irene : Friendship is like growing a beautiful garden : it requires much time and care . First, one has to want to be a good friend , be generous to show caring and concern for others and always be willing to sacrifice that we need. Luis Alfonso : The society in which we live pushes you to think only of yourself and not worry about those around you . So it means a lot that someone is interested in you without expecting anything in return. WHAT DOES THE BIBLE? Just as you want men to do to you , do the same way to them. ( Luke 6:31 , 38. ) With these words , Jesus urges us to be generous. If we are willing to selflessly help our friends , it is natural that they are attracted to us. Two . Learn to communicate better A friendship can not grow if there is no communication . Talk to your friend about things like both. Hear , respect their opinions and , whenever possible , praise him and give him encouragement. There will be times when your friend need advice or even to attract attention , which is not easy. But a true friend has the courage to point out the faults are serious and when to advise fondly. LOOKING FOR PEOPLE IN A FRIEND ? John: A true friend express their views frankly and does not get angry if the other person does not think like him . Eunice : The friends I value most are those who are willing to spend time with me and listen to me, especially when I have problems. Silvina : Best friends are those who tell you the truth, even when they know it will hurt , because they want the best for you . WHAT DOES THE BIBLE? Every man must be [ fast ] about hearing , slow about speaking, slow about wrath . ( James 1:19 . ) When someone stops talking, gives the impression that their opinions are more important than others. So when your friend wants to express what he thinks or worries you, pay attention . Remember, listening is one of the best gifts you can give to a friend . Ah ! And do not be offended if what he says makes him feel bad. Proverbs 27:6 says, The wounds inflicted by a lover are faithful. Three . Be realistic The closer we get to a person, its flaws are more visible . Our friends are not perfect, but neither are we. Do not demand perfection from them. Rather , assess their strengths and overlook their mistakes. LOOKING FOR PEOPLE IN A FRIEND ? Samuel : Often we expect other people to give more than we can give. If we recognize our mistakes and we need to forgive us , we will be more willing to forgive others . Daniel : We must understand that our friends are going to make mistakes. So when problems arise , we must make every effort to resolve and forget what has happened . WHAT DOES THE BIBLE? A woman apologizing to another Are you willing to forgive ? ( Colossians 3:13, 14) We all stumble many times. If anyone does not stumble in word , this is a perfect man , able to bridle also his whole body. (James 3:2 . ) Recognize this simple truth will help us to be sympathetic to our friends. So we can ignore the flaws that bother us and them unimportant errors. The Bible says : Continue putting up with one another and forgiving one another [ ... ] . But besides all these things put on love , it is a perfect bond of unity ( Colossians 3:13, 14). April . Extend your circle of friends It is true that one must be careful in choosing friends, but that does not mean we should just make friends with people of a certain age or certain education . If we care for people of all ages, backgrounds and nationalities , our lives will be enriched . LOOKING FOR PEOPLE IN A FRIEND ? Unai : Having only friends who are your age or have your same taste is just like wearing your favorite clothing color. As much as you like just be boring. Funke : Enlarge my circle of friends has given me the opportunity to mature . Ive learned to live with people of different ages and places. I am now more sociable and adaptable. To my friends like that. Friends of different ages and races hanging out together Have you tried to make friends with all kinds of people ? ( 2 Corinthians 6:13) WHAT DOES THE BIBLE? You, too , ensánchense . (2 Corinthians 6:13 . ) The Bible encourages us to meet people of all kinds. This unbiased viewpoint will add color to your life and help you win the affection of others.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 03:24:24 +0000

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