What is an IP Address ? An IP address is a unique address - TopicsExpress


What is an IP Address ? An IP address is a unique address (name) of the computer (or other device) that connects to the Internet or a local network. An IP address is four numbers from 0 to 255 separated by periods (for example We write this number in the decimal system, the computer “sees” the same in binary-in the form of “0″ and “1″. These figures give an opportunity to other computers to determine where a request or where to send the information. Some computers have static IP addresses, yet a large number of IP addresses are used for technical purposes, and only a portion of the IP addresses available to users who are connected to the Internet. This portion of free IP addresses is called dynamic IP addresses, all others are static. Dynamic IP addresses are helping increase the number of free IP addresses available. It works like this: you, if you connect to the Internet, get a dynamic IP address. Next, you work with the Internet, when you are disconnected from the Internet and shut down your computer. And your dynamic address gets a completely different person, which at this point decided to log on to the network. But not all, users can connect to the Internet with a dynamic IP address, for example if you use your computer as a server or repository of information, connect to other users to a static IP address, that is, a permanent name that other users will know. Now-a-days in the world of computers, phones and other technological gadgets that can connect to the Internet, and all they need is their IP address names in network. But the number of IP addresses is limited to 255 in the fourth degree. So you have to find ways to manage IP addresses. The first method is the dynamic IP addresses. The second way is to create the Organization IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority)-her name is translated as “Internet address space Administration”. They control the use of IP addresses, i.e. provide free IP addresses to the regional Internet registrars. All these 5 registrars: ARIN-works in North America and APNIC in South-East Asia, AfriNIC-gives addresses for Africa-South America, LACNIC, RIPE NCC, serving Europe, Central Asia and the Middle East. These 5 administrations distribute IP addresses of major Internet service providers, and so on. The latest in this thread is the user that connects to the Internet, is regardless of the type of connection. The third way is to connect to the Internet through a router, or use one of the many computers on the local network as the router. For example in our Office has a local network of 5 computers. All need permanent IP addresses, but buying 5 permanent address is not the answer. There is a more simple solution. All the computers have the same IP address externally, and within its small network will have different names-internal IP addresses. Go online they will be through the main computer to the router (the router), and data from the Internet will come first on this router, continue to go where they wanted. Now system IP address works on IPv4, but with the development of computers, mobile phones and other devices of IP addresses may not be enough. It has already developed an IPv6 network. Node number in the assigned IP protocol regardless of the local host address. The router is by definition to multiple networks. Therefore, each port of the router has its own IP address. The target host can also be multiple IP networks. In this case, the computer must have multiple IP addresses, the number of network connections. Thus, the IP address is not an individual computer or router, or a network connection. IP address classes The part of the address in which the network number and host number, which is determined by the values of the first bit of the address. The values for these bits are also signs that the class applies a particular IP address. The figure shows the structure of the different classes of IP addresses. Structure of the different classes of IP addresses Classless Inter-domain routing Since the second half of the nineties of 20th century class routing everywhere replaced by Classless routing, in which a number of addresses in the network is determined solely and exclusively by the sub-net mask. Special IP addresses In the IP Protocol, there are several agreements about the particular interpretation of IP addresses: If the entire IP address consists solely of binary zeroes, it denotes the address of the node that generated this package; This mode is only used in certain ICMP messages. If the numbers are all zeroes, then the default is the destination node belongs to the same network as host that sent the packet; If all the bits of the IP addresses are equal to 1, the packet with the destination address must be sent to all nodes on the same network as the source of this package. This newsletter is called the limited broadcast message (limited broadcast); If the destination node numbers are only unit, the package with the same address, is sent to all nodes on the network with the specified network number. For example, in with a mask of network packet with the address is delivered to all nodes on the network this network. This newsletter is called broadcast communication (broadcast). Dynamic IP addresses It is being called a dynamic IP address if it is assigned automatically when you connect the device to the network and is used for a limited amount of time, usually until the session terminates the connection. (geethaanjali)
Posted on: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 11:41:43 +0000

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