What is enlightenment? I can explain enlightenment, this may - TopicsExpress


What is enlightenment? I can explain enlightenment, this may answer your question about what comes into the body, and why. The aim for one who pursues enlightenment is to lose all attachments, that means to lose all desires, when one is successful in this aim, then the breath ceases, time then stands still, but though you are not breathing you are not dead, or alive in the ordinary sense of alive. Now we should ask ourselves, what is breath if we can still be alive when it is no longer present? I understand the difficulty this brings up no breath for many science based minds here, but I can only emphasize that you must find out for yourselves, dont take my word for it. Maybe you can research it and find that others have also spoken about this phenomena from their own experience, if you are not yet ready to take this on. So what is breath? Breath is actually DESIRE in its most base and pure form, it is the first thing you do when you come out of your mothers womb, you draw in breath, because DESIRE is from that moment on going to be all what your Earthly life is going to be about. From this breath comes your thoughts, from DESIRE comes your thoughts, we find that breath and thought during this meditation are one and the same thing, they are like twins sewed together at the hips, when breath changes so does thought, we only see this in deeper levels of meditation, we will also see in deeper levels of meditation that breath brings us onto different energy levels by changing it. And of course not forgetting the body, DESIRE=THOUGHT=BODY, now if I tell you what I know about how you became the human you are and where you began from this would be too much for you all to swallow, so I explain in simplistic terms with not too much solid food. But basically every thing you have become, every thing you are was created by your DESIRES ATTACHMENTS TO IDEAS, ATTACHMENTS TO LONGINGS. We may understand that every thing in this universe is connected, it is the same with your body mind soul etc, a small demonstration, YOUR FACE, it is a reflection of all your desires and all your attachments, understand also that there is never stillness in the unenlightened but a constant cyclic pattern of change, but those features that are changing, mood etc are YOUR chosen primary features, these are the things that make every one feel the are different and this is who they are. What do we see on the face feature to confirm this? all the different expressions, if you are good at reading these expressions then you will often understand what is going on in the mind of another human being. The face and body you are born with, is just that also, your expressions come from your inner moods, your inner moods come from your thoughts, your thoughts are connected to your breath, your breath is connected to your DESIRES the very reason you are here, those desires represent your LIFE in the physical form on this Earth plain of existence. So your face and body represent in basic elements your DESIRES...So how does this explain disabilities you ask? No one desires to be disabled...WRONG! Your soul is much wiser free from the body with instincts that you have taken on when it is free from body and its instincts, but it takes on a body the body has powerful instincts to live, and often the soul does not have good skills of body mastery, so the instincts master the soul. That soul which has great skill of mastering the instincts of the body eventually becomes so skilled that it can master all things of the body, this is where you have heard those miraculous stories of those individuals who have attained great skills in this mastery and can perform all kinds of miraculous feats, I wont go into that, because you can research this. We come up to Karma, what is it, why disability? When you are free from body you are all loving all compassionate wiser, and free from the duality the body creates, but your aim on Earth is to reflect what you are when you are free of body, the soul knows where its growth is heading, but in the body it is corrupted by the instincts of the bodies fear of death, so it takes time and many life times to become skilled, a disability allows us to understand the needs of those who are weak that is the other side of ourselves we have not seen, those who are dependent, for instance your soul in one body may have been ignorant of other peoples needs, the disabled, the sick, the poor, the needy your higher self recognizing this inherent bias wants to solve it, so it plans a life in a disabled body, so that it can learn such things as humbleness, compassion empathy etc. So your soul history picks up all this karma, but it is only picked up, or it is only karma due to the fact that your soul is UNSKILLED at living in a body with all kinds of instinctive behavior to over come, that is why I often say we are like those moths who sense the light, we are drawn to the light and when we finally touch the light then like the moth it burns the body away, then it is free, that is eventually your soul will master the instinctive body and the light will be touched within the self, thus the body of internment will burst its doors open and their will be liberation...GOD NATURE is born From the caterpillar comes forth the butterfly, so we understand. So you see, it is not a simple answer the question of DESIRE and what is it that leaves this body and goes onto the next body, my mail is a long one, but it could have been much longer, that is because we are all gods and eternal living beings transforming for eternity. Ozay Purify the Mind You need to purify your mind, and also meditate on single pointedness, you must sit in a certain way with an erect spine, you must find the correct balance when sat, this takes time, then you must go through all the muscles in your body observing if they are overly tense including your facial muscles, then command them to fall away, then when you have done this, you must single focus on your breath, some like to start from breath, just observing its inwards and outwards flow, if the mind wonders bring it back, check muscles, command them to fall away, the breath must change down in gear, but you do not force it, or it will do the oposite, go up, eventually you will get moments that the breath will halt. See how you do with this technique, if it is too difficult to focus on the breath then count the breaths inwards and outwards for 8 counts and begin again, until you are able to focus solely on the breath, if you can stay fixed you will begin to get flashes of light, or you will see a white sheet coming towards, or you will begin to see a light, it will likely go away in the beginning, but keep practising until this light washes you away and you are lost into it completely. When there are distractions just gently unjudgementally bring yourself back, always be kind to yourself stay with it, try and keep a calm and easy going life, if you get stuck there is a technique you can use that will help you with it, let me know how you do. Try and sit for an hour, and dont keep looking at the clock , see if you can sit and get up from it in exactly one hour, eventually you will need to progress from this up to 2 hours 3 hours 4 hours etc, if you have the time, but you can always go on retreat some where in isolation, not those institutionalised retreats where you are not on your own. Ozay According to Ozay Ego is just an expression of our life force energy that is a carriage of thoughts and memory, thus time and creativity happens, when this process of energy which carries thought and memory has been stilled for a specific period of time....4 hours roughly 20 minutes then we have suspended time, when this happens it is commonly understood as enlightenment, it is a start to a new universe, where the internal world is found to be a porthole to other dimensions.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 09:27:47 +0000

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