What is friendship? People have been asking this question for - TopicsExpress


What is friendship? People have been asking this question for centuries, and we can never know the exact answer that will fit everybody’s definition of friendship. Friends are people without whom your life wouldn’t be complete. They are the people who you know for ages, or even if you don’t you feel like you were born on the same day. They will always be by your side and will help you with any troubles. In the dictionary you can find three definitions of friendship: 1. The quality or condition of being friends 2. A friendly relationship 3. Friendliness, good will In order to know what all these definitions mean we need to figure out what is the definition for friends. A friend is defined as a person whom one knows, likes, and trusts. So friendship is when two people know each other well, and trust each other. Friendship is the relationship between two people who really care about each other. Your friendship will keep you happy, but it is not easy. Friendship demands time and effort, and sometimes you have to step over your pride and put yourself on the place of your friend, and see what she feels even if you think you are correct. But in exchange, a friend can provide a lot of support and comfort in good times and bad. Many things are needed to make friendship a real one, including trustworthiness, support, honesty, and loyalty. Friendship is supposed to make both people happy, and enjoying their relationship. Yes, each person has an individual character and it is hard to find people who share your thoughts. Also, it might occur that at one point of life you are friends, and then something happened and you can never be friends anymore. Things happen, this is how life is. But without friendship, it’s hard to maintain happiness. In my opinion, friendship is when you and your friend know that you will never do anything bad to each other, that you can protect each other, fight but come together again and there will be always happiness around when your friend is next to you. A friend can call you at 3 a.m. and you will never be mad at her, because you know that something happened. With your friend you are being yourself. You can tell her all the secrets and know that she will never tell them to anyone. A friend is a person that feels like family, but you are not connected by blood. You are connected by feelings. Sometimes even a friend can be closer to you than somebody from your family. We can choose our friends, but we can’t choose family. Many people carry their friendships from early childhood, whether some can meet in the last 20 years of life and question themselves “How did we live without this person earlier?” What is friendship? It is knowing there is a person who you can trust completely. It is realizing that someone else wants the best for you, and you want the same for them. It is being together without needing to pretend. It is knowing that you can call them anytime and they will be happy to hear you. It is leaving somewhere for holidays with your family, and writing emails to them everyday explaining what is going on, and missing them a lot. It is sharing your grief and you happiness with them. It is helping them solve problems, and knowing they will do the same for you. It is fighting with them because of some stupid thing and knowing that after five minutes everything would be great again. It is forgiving them if they were wrong because you know they didn’t mean it. It is sharing your dreams, hopes, and secrets together. It is coming to help them and expecting nothing in return. It is having fun through everyday life together. It is finding time for each other no matter what. It is understanding that you friend is the best and telling him that all the time. It is saying no without having to explain why. It is knowing what they feel and why. Friends are the gifts. Friendship is a great thing and I hope people can have more and more of them. True friendships.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 14:33:29 +0000

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