What is going on in Ferguson Missouri surrounding the - TopicsExpress


What is going on in Ferguson Missouri surrounding the #MichaelBrown case is a teaching moment for those trying to understand racism. The lesson that is being taught amongst many is that under the system of racism white supremacy, wh!te people are the one in control of information. Wh!te people control what information black people get, when black people will get that information, how black people will receive that information, and how much information black people will get. Wh!tes also control the images black people get, which images black people will get, when black people will get those images, how black people will receive those images, and how many images black people will receive. Every peace of information we get on this case wh!te people gave it to us at their own convenience, and not at your demand. In addition, wh!te people are giving us the information in a way to keep you confused as to what the truth is. Remember, in order for white supremacy to work, the nonwhite people, especially black people, who do not understand racism white supremacy, what it is, and how it works, must be confused to the truth for white supremacy to perpetuate. But trust and believe that wh!te people, the most powerful and important ones, are not confused, they cant be, or else white supremacy cant work. Oh, now wh!tes are playing like they are confused, but they are not. They know what happen, they know the truth, wh!tes are just buying time making sure the each and every wh!te person involved in this case is on one accord, on the same page, (Voltron Effect) just like they were in the Trayvon Martin case. Like the Trayvon Martin case, I, unfortunately, see a Trayvon Martin outcome. I pray I am in error, but white racism always prove me right.
Posted on: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 23:13:55 +0000

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