. What is happening in Egypt is very sad and those who know - TopicsExpress


. What is happening in Egypt is very sad and those who know Egyptians know that they are very soft people in their nature and have big hearts..For the last year or more the media in Egypt has been working very hard to drive a wedge between the Egyptian people on the basis of being and Islamist (i.e. MB or Salafi) or liberalist/secularist. The level of hatred and suspicion that was created amongst the people of Egypt in preparation for this showdown could be tasted in the air it was so putrid. This campaign made the liberals look like filthy disbelievers in the eyes of the so called Islamists whilst making the Islamists appear to be hypocrites and opportunists to the so called secular liberalists. Each feels he is justified in getting rid of the evil of the other and as such they have all fallen for the traps of those who desire no good for the Muslims and Islaam within Egypt and those who direct them from outside. The MB were left with many choices and were not forced into taking any of them and in respect to the constitution it was their insistence and vote that meant that the basis would not become Islamic when proposed by some of the Salafi groups. In any case the MB are now on the streets raising the Egyptian flag whilst calling for democratic principles that do not come from the Islamic belief. The MB in Egypt should now realise that democracy is an illusionary game that is not based on principles but rather on desires. They should also realise that even if their intentions are sincere to bring Islaam then it is not possible to do that within the system and political processes that exist in Egypt. This should push them to re-evaluate their thoughts and methodology and I pray to Allah that this will bring them back to the basis of the Islamic Aqueedah (belief) where they will be able to distinguish the falsehood from the truth and rid themselves of the corrupt thoughts of democracy, western freedoms and nationalism. In Syria the Muslims realised that they have none other than Allah and placed their Tawakkul upon Him (swt) alone and this lead them to drop the Syrian flag that was made by the colonialists and replace it with the Flag of the Messenger (saw) and they dropped the call to democracy and sovereignty to the people with the call for the resumption of the Islamic way of life through the return of the Islamic Khilafah. Emotions are still high and inshaAllah in the coming weeks and months many will see the fallacy of the corrupt ideas that they had been calling for and return back to the call that is pleasing to Allah (swt) and in accordance to the actions, example and methodology of the Messenger (pbuh)..
Posted on: Tue, 09 Jul 2013 10:41:46 +0000

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