What is happening with the very serious counts of electoral fraud - TopicsExpress


What is happening with the very serious counts of electoral fraud or are the Conservative Party above the laws of the land ? https://youtube/watch?v=DcL69gUtPb0 It would be a very serious miss carriage of justice of nothing was done with such a serious fraud, what kind of message would that send out to the general public. The Scottish Government should be wary of allowing the Conservative Party to sweep this one under the carpet, especially as it is the only real proof that the referendum was rigged to facilitate those in the City who make a fortune from Scotlands assets. Question ? Who thinks the Scottish Independence Referendum was rigged and why ! We think it was rigged for the following reasons. 1. Why did 1 million register to vote and did not vote ? Could this have been the UK Government making sure they could squeeze in enough no votes if the Yes vote was higher than it was ! 2. We think it was rigged because there was conflicting reports of the ballot papers being different, i.e. some councils had bar codes on them others did not. Could the ballot papers that had no bar codes have been issued because they were going to be substituted with the pre filled out bar coded ballot papers with a cross in the no box when in transit to the counting stations. 3. Although people naturally fear change and some in Scotland did fear the lies that the media broadcast and believed the last minute vow that was never going to be delivered. However as the mood on the street suggested that it would be a Yes vote and most Scots found the media fear campaign disgusting. We therefore find it difficult to accept the large numbers of no votes. 4. We also think it was rigged as the UK Government and those in the city and the EU who have a vested interested in Scotlands wealth were never going to allow the Scots take control of their own destiny and put their money making destiny in jeopardy. 5. We believe that the videos that appeared in social media just hours after the count, were published so that when they were discredited, thus putting the notion that the referendum was a shame down and a nothing but a conspiracy. 6. We also believe that when Alex Salmond was questioned about the currency the No.1 issue as reported by the BBC several weeks before the debate. The lack of a compelling argument which was there was very very strange for a politician of such abilities. Waiting for the next debate to provide Mr Darling with the answers was not really good enough in our opinion especially as the Yes Campaign had little or no media coverage. ? 7. With giants like CND and the World-wide green party backing Scottish Independence and the masses of bairns not bombs stickers being displayed, something does not stack up. 8. Hours after the No vote the fracking contracts were issued to the Woodgroup, Lloyds TSB who said if there was a yes vote 6,000 jobs lost in Scotland we voted no and they recently announced these job losses. The RAF bases are no to be closed and the Scottish coast guard are moving the control centre to the South coast of England. 9. We find it hard to believe that so many in Scotland were base enough to go into a polling station with the intention of being bought and sold for the promise of English gold, currency, pensions and jobs. The price of their treason is a high one that we will all going to have to fracking pay. Please let us have your opinions on the subject or any evidence you may have that would suggest it was a fix. Please share and get the debate on whether there is such a thing as democracy in the UK when it comes to Scotland. JOIN THE DEBATE https://facebook/scotland.scottish.1/posts/356725517866303
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 18:08:09 +0000

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