What is it with Barrack Obama? I used to think he is a poor excuse - TopicsExpress


What is it with Barrack Obama? I used to think he is a poor excuse for a president and leader. Now I just believe he is a poor excuse for a man. For one thing, there is absolutely no place for Political Correctness in the Presidency. If individuals, people, groups, nations, religions, etc. are upset or offended by your words or actions, then so be it, be offended. Barrack Obama is no leader and he never has been a leader. As a matter of fact, he lacks any credibility to be a leader. Barrack Obama has no guts. Let me take that one step further… Barrack Obama has no balls. Mr. Obama… the word is “terrorism” and those who incite, institute and carry out “terrorism” are “terrorists.” What are you so afraid of? Say the words all Americans want to hear from your mouth damn it! In Mr. Obama’s own words… the Fort Hood massacre was “workplace violence.” The attack on the American Embassy in Benghazi was a “random act of violence” in response to an “offensive” video. The recent attack in Paris leaving 12 dead, including a Paris police officer of the Muslim faith, was an “act of violence.” Do you still consider the Boston Marathon bombing a random act of violence? Mr. Obama you are refusing to say the words and call it what it is. They are terrorists committing acts of terrorism! Mr. Obama… you remind me of the one kid in the neighborhood with the only yard big enough to play baseball. And the only bat and ball belong to you so if the other kids want to play, they have to play by your rules with your bat and your ball. But, Mr. Obama, as I mentioned before, you sir have no balls. And I am seriously beginning to doubt if you even have a bat, much less know how to use it. Mr. Obama… from day one you have neglected to acknowledge that we, the people, the taxpaying citizens of the United States of America are your employer. That’s right… you, like the members of Congress, work for us. We the people do not and will never answer to you or your wife for that matter. It is high time… no I take that back… it is way past time for you to get off your ass and do your job. You only have two years left and so far you have done absolutely nothing good for the people of this great nation. One final word Mr. Obama… you sir are a COWARD! I never believed there would come a day in my lifetime where I would say I am both ashamed and embarrassed of the President of the United States of America. May God bless us all and may God bless the United States of America!
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 15:08:07 +0000

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