What is it with all you police state cops in the US who purchase - TopicsExpress


What is it with all you police state cops in the US who purchase these MRAP armored vehicles normally used to hunt insurgents in Iraq and Afghanistan. Are you cops so afraid of America citizens now, that you run out to buy surplus military vehicles now. Its plain the police are insane ad are the enemy of the people now. You denied that the purchase of the vehicle was an attempt to militarize the police department, adding that you wouldn’t let public opinion get in the way of the “safety” of colleagues. What a bunch of crap, if I ever heard such nonsense. “This doesn’t make the officers safer. All studies show that the more militarized a department becomes, the more often officers get hurt. This is Walton County, Florida, not Iraq, not Afghanistan.” Walton is such a peaceful and virtually crime free neighborhood that it was used to represent an idyllic American town in the 1998 movie The Truman Show. “Walton County is so crime free you can leave your doors unlocked. When Hollywood location scouts were looking for a community so perfect that it appeared to be fake, they came to Walton County. The Truman Show, staring Jim Carey, was filmed on location in a small Walton County community,” that the Sheriff’s department of abandoning common sense by purchasing the vehicle that it is only likely to spur additional violence. “This vehicle is an implement of war. It has no place in the county. The decision to bring this to a small community will only increase violence against citizens by creating a combat mindset in deputies. This violence will be returned, and deputies will face violence on a level not seen before in Walton County,” The purchase of armored vehicles formerly used in anti-terror operations overseas has prompted widespread concern that domestic law enforcement in the United States is becoming increasingly militarized and violent. A recent ACLU investigation into the issue decried the fact that American neighborhoods are turning into war-zones as SWAT tactics become more brutal, causing an increase in deaths, injuries and property damage. Former Marine Corps Colonel Peter Martino, who was stationed in Fallujah and trained Iraqi soldiers, warned last year that the Department of Homeland Security is working with law enforcement to build a “domestic army,” because the federal government is afraid of its own citizens. Martino was speaking at a council meeting concerning a decision to purchase a BearCat armored vehicle. The purchase of the vehicle was mired in controversy after the city’s Police Chief wrote in an application filing to the DHS that the vehicle was needed to deal with the “threat” posed by libertarians. In another report last month, Indiana Police Sergeant Dan Downing admitted that the militarization of domestic law enforcement was partly to deal with returning veterans who are now seen as a homegrown terror threat. A local Fox affiliate reported that the cops were now “armed for war”. No I think police in the US are insane and living in fear of it own citizens.
Posted on: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 08:46:40 +0000

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