What is it with this preoccupation with death and beheadings - TopicsExpress


What is it with this preoccupation with death and beheadings lately? Why the desire to see how others have suffered and died for ridiculous reasons. I was looking at the postings from other groups and saw an image of a man walking around with his wifes head. The video is titled man beheads wife after he caught her cheating. What has happened to this world? Have videos games, news and television desensitized our children so much that now they grow up to become murderers without conscience? There was a time when life was respected and people and their religions where more respected. Now it is all about killing someone just because they are different? Had that been the case then the world would have ended long ago. Mankind is headed for the greatest challenge ever. The only thing I can say is that this time will be the last time. It is truly sad that after everything that has happened that people cannot learn to live in peace. For those who would kill simply because someone or something is different or not in agreement with their ideals is self destructive. Eventually the differences that are seen will become more intense and never ending until there is nothing left. I usually do not comment on such things but there has to be a limit. Life and the living must be respected. If there is no value for life then there is no value for anything. I have lived for 50 years and I have seen the world change from something of such amazing potential to something that is disappointing. Where did it all go wrong?
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 07:54:51 +0000

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